The Quadrillion dollar question: Where did all our money go and why are we in such debt globally? There is a separate space program, which you guys are paying for and they’re not telling you anything about it, and as a result, NASA is a bit of a joke. We have a special space program and it is apparently known as the United States Aerospace Command and it is a joint service agency. That means it includes Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and it also includes the British Aerospace Command. It’s basically where all the missing 100′s of Trillions, sorry Quadrilions went. (our calculator doesn’t have enough digits to work it out).
The Quadrillion dollar question: Where did all our money go and why are we in such debt globally? There is a separate space program, which you guys are paying for and they’re not telling you anything about it, and as a result, NASA is a bit of a joke. We have a special space program and it is apparently known as the United States Aerospace Command and it is a joint service agency. That means it includes Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and it also includes the British Aerospace Command. It’s basically where all the missing 100′s of Trillions, sorry Quadrilions went. (our calculator doesn’t have enough digits to work it out).
Robert “Bob” Dean worked for NASA for over 30 years. In 2009 he thought it about time to reveal the origins a NASA photographic library “lost footage” and evidence of a USSS fleet (detailing a transfer of admiralty from the USSS Curtis Lemay and USSS Roscoe Hillencotter) captured on film during the Apollo 13 Mission. Nasa maintains they had lost 40 rolls of film with 1000′s of shots from the mission documenting this but a Japanese scientist, had a copy of everything from the sixties due to ever space agency involved having copies of the Secret Space Program and public Space Program Missions.
Read more excerpts from Bob Dean and check this footage out from John Lenard Walson
and US Space Command or Navy Space Command badges
and US Space Command or Navy Space Command badges
BOB DEAN at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009
(it gets interesting around 38:00) but worth watching in it’s entire length.
Excerpts from the transcript of the presentation. Click here for the full transcript.
This photograph was taken by Apollo 13. Now, you may remember Apollo 13. It was the one that never made it to the Moon. They had a tiny explosion on the way, where an oxygen tank blew up and they were barely able to get to the Moon, go around, and barely able to get home. But they were not alone on that trip. So, while they were out and away, going and coming, they had little windows and they snapped pictures. This is one picture that was held by the Japanese Space Agency. This object is five miles long.
This is in the A Ring and the statistics on this will blow your mind. This object here is artificially-constructed [artificial object], as Norman says; NASA called it an electromagnetic vehicle. That dude is 2,000 miles long, over 450 miles in diameter. But 2,000 miles long!

Now, that’s where your missing trillions have gone. You know the story: ’98, ’99, and 2000, $1.7 [trillion dollars] a year for three years disappeared off the books. That bunch of clowns in congress; do you think there was an uproar? Do you think there was a demand for answers? Where did that money go? Forget it!
Now, the day before 9/11 the Secretary of Defense says: We’re missing three trillion dollars. We can’t account for it. It’s off the books, somehow. We’re working on it. It may be an accounting error. You know how they are: Doublespeak. George Orwell would be happy with this crowd.
Missing three trillion, after the already missing of $1.7 [trillion] a year for three years? There is where the funding is coming for your Aerospace Command that Daniel Inouye is talking about – a separate shadow government that you have no idea exists. And those guys have got the technology that Ben Rich says is 100 years beyond establishment knowledge.
Our thanks to Bob Dean and others for coming forward with this information. We salute you Bob, you’re a kind, smart and decent man and your courage is greatly admired.
Other secret projects were carried out over a 70 years plus time period that involved advanced technology, stolen technology and dark, occult practices.
What is NASA Hiding?
Unknown craft captured Courtesy of John Lenard Walson
For more videos of these amazing craft join John Lenard Walson here:-
US Space Command and Navy Space Command
First published on Divine Cosmos -
On this official military website, you can find a patch commemorating the 25th anniversary of Air Force Space Command — from 1982 to 2007. You can see the two rings around the Earth clearly depicted, as well as a stylized image of a back-engineered ET spacecraft in flight:
From what I’ve heard, these triangular craft are enormous in size — taking quite some time to walk from one end to the other — and are already in operation throughout the galaxy. The shape you see in these emblems is almost exactly what they look like.
There is an official website you can visit for the Naval Space Command and the US Space Command. There is also aWikipedia page for the US Space Command, linked from an even more detailed Unified Combatant Command page.
If you read this US Space Command page, you will find very specific information about who was in charge, when they were in charge, and what they allegedly were up to… and it includes the following emblem, featuring the rings I’m talking about:
Notice the crosses on each of the rings. We’ll get back to that in a minute.
You can also read about US Space Command in this article on – in an interview with Gene McCall, chief scientist for the Air Force Space Command. Naturally, the article attempts to put a mundane spin on the story and does not include any real ‘juice’ of Disclosure.
You again see the rings around the Earth in the Air Force Space Command patch. This was originally featured on the official Air Force Space Command website, which has since been taken down.
However, at this website, there is a comprehensive series of mirrored links to what was originally on these official websites — along with the now-defunct links. I suggest saving your own copy in case it gets taken down.
When you go to this mirror site and sort through the images and text, this triangular metallic flying machine image appears over and over again on various badges and emblems — along with the two “quarantine rings”:
Also, again notice the two crosses on either side of the delta-shaped spacecraft — crosses that directly contact the rings.
These, I believe, are meant to be Knights Templar crosses.
In a Project Camelot interview, Gordon Novel revealed that these insiders like to refer to themselves as the Knights Temporal:
K: When you say “we,” who’s we?
The Knights Temporal
G: Well, I have a group of folks that I call the Knights Temporal.
The most prominent aerospace engineers and physicists in the world today are all part of a team we call the RAM group. We call ourselves the Knights Temporal.
We took a page out of the idea of the Templars, who basically blackmailed the Pope to give them the fiefdoms over Europe. They created the banking orders we have today.
Since we believe the technology is rooted in time, we call ourselves the Knights Temporal. The alien technology, the UFO, is basically a flying time machine. That’s what we believe, and it’s all we know about it.
What Novel does not say here is that these international bankers did not merely “take a page out of the idea of the Templars.” These groups are the direct descendants of the Knight Templars — and have still kept all their secrets.
The same two “quarantine rings” appear in the emblem for the Naval Space Command, also mirrored at the above site:
This next patch can be found on the official Vandenburg Air Force Base website on Strategic Air
Again we see a cross on one of the Earth’s protective rings. The sword, as we shall see, appears to be a Knight Templar blade.
With the line “Strengthen the Shield,” there is a clear implication here that the two rings around the Earth could be some sort of ‘shield’ that we want to make sure stays strong.
Further, there is the suggestion that this shield may be at least partially enforced by that same weird delta-shaped craft:
Also check out this “AFSST 76th Space Ops” patch from the same site — the official Vandenburg Air Force Base website on Strategic Air
Again we see one of the “quarantine rings” as well as the same flying metallic triangle — this time with wings around it just in case you didn’t get the point that it flies.
Two smaller delta-shaped craft also flank the AFSST acronym at the bottom:
Here’s a shot of the original Strategic Air Command page in case it disappears. Notice the Knight Templar glove holding lightning bolts in the insignia at the top left:
The “quarantine rings” and flying metallic triangles show up again in the emblem for the Joint Functional Component Command for Space, which has its own official Wikipedia page here:
As it says on the Wikipedia page, according to Lieutenant General William L. Shelton, “Our prime mission directive in JFCC SPACE is to ensure our freedom of action in space, while preventing adversary use of space against us.”
These badges from Schriever Air Force Base follow the same theme — quarantine rings and peculiar aircraft operating far outside the Earth’s atmosphere — including an orange object that could be a comet, but could also be a saucer-shaped craft.
Notice the difference in size between the small black delta-shaped craft and the larger metallic delta-shaped craft in the first badge below.
That size difference may not be an indication that one is closer than the other — it may acutally be a direct indication of how huge the larger craft is in comparison to the black one:
This next badge is particularly interesting because of the emblem that appears at the bottom:
I have been told this Pegasus “Master of Space” logo is worn by staff who have direct, high-level involvement with extraterrestrial human civilizations — typically those working for Space Command.
The Pegasus legend of the ‘winged horse’, used by the Gods to travel in Greek mythology, may well indicate some sort of extraterrestrial craft.
This follows the same chain of reasoning presented in Episode Two of this season’s Ancient Aliens on History Channel, which I am a repeat participant in.
I am also drawn to the words “History” and “Heritage” in light of what we know about the “MASTER OF SPACE” logo. This may suggest their direct knowledge that human history and heritage is far older than the Earth.
There are so many goodies on the third page of badges from the Schriever AFB site – delta craft, Templar swords, Templar gloves, quarantine rings, et cetera — that I had to just post the whole thing:
There are many, many indications of the Knight Templars here — and indeed, many insiders have said the Air Force is much more involved in the UFO cover-up than other organizations.
You probably caught the Masonic compass in the image on the bottom right. There is a Templar glove below it holding a sword of fire.
I was particularly fascinated by the Templar Knight gloves that had a mysterious energetic force coming off of them on the 310th Communications Flight badge — suggesting the mastery of hidden Universal powers:
The fourth page of badges from the Schriever AFB contains additional enigmas — including a straight-ahead Templar skull and crossbones symbol:
The 50th Contracting Squadron badge at the top left may be a nod to the fact that human beings appear all over the galaxy — hence we see the image of a human body away from the Earth, and the Pegasus logo alongside it.
The 50th Space Communications Squadron badge at the top right has the Templar glove, again with the suggestion of a “Thunderbolt” coming out of it.
According to the second episode of this season’s Ancient Aliens, which I did plenty of research for but didn’t get in fast enough to make the cut, the many ancient ‘Thunderbolt’ legends appear to refer back to a working ET weapon that was used in historic times.
Such a weapon then later became mythologized in such stories as Zeus’ Thunderbolt, Thor’s Hammer, Odin’s Spear, Poseidon’s Trident, Vajra’s Spear, et cetera.
We also know that during the “black op” Operation Paperclip – Ratlines were used as escape routes for Nazi scientists who fled to the United States and South America in 1945. Now the New York Times are reporting the truth about the Nazi refugees.
The Orion Conspiracy details technology and the origins of the Nazi-Era scientists
In your hands, my fellow citizens. . .more than mine. . .will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe. Now the trumpet summons us again… not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need. . .not as a call to battle… though embattled we are. . .but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle. . .year in and year out, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. . .a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny. . .poverty. . .disease. . .and war itself. Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance. . .North and South. . . East and West. . .that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?
In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger; I do not shrink from this responsibility. . .I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it. . .and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans. . .ask not what your country can do for you. . .ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world. . .ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the Freedom of Man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds; let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own. - John F. Kennedy
Below are useful links:
America’s Secret Space Program and The Super Valkyrie
The Top Secret US Military Space Program. Is The Future
North American Aerospace Defense Command & United States
Secret American Military Space Program?
Sex, Lies and Oil Spills
Peace, the ULTIMATE Final Solution
Dr. Carol Rosin – Outer Space Security and Development Treaty
During this two hour interview, aerospace consultant, Dr. Carol Rosin, announced a proposed treaty she developed with her colleagues, including astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, to keep space free of weapons. She discussed her background and how she came to work for Dr. Werner von Braun in the 1970s. Dr. Rosin and her husband have been the victim of threats, blackmail, theft, and even physical attacks. She decided to come forward publicly to propel the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011. As Dr. Rosin says: Would we rather have weapons above our heads or a transformation of the war industry into a peaceful World Cooperative Space Industry?
B i o
Dr. Rosin is an educator, perhaps best known as the original political architect of the movement to stop the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and Anti-Satellite Weapons (ASATs). Carol became the first woman executive in the aerospace industry, a Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries, a U.S. aerospace company, where she was also spokesperson for the late Dr. Wernher von Braun, the “father of rocketry.” With von Braun, Carol coordinated the award-winning “It’s Your Turn” educational program to motivate youth, women, and minorities in fields of science and technology as they could be applied to achieving world peace in a clean and safe environment for all. Their program won various awards including the Aviation Writers Award, Science Teachers Gold Medal, and others. Rosin helped set up the ATS-6 satellite educational and medical training programs across the U.S. in Appalachia, the Rocky Mountains, and Alaska, and the first national and international two-way, audio-visual satellite educational programs in over 20 countries, including 5,000 villages in India. Dr. Rosin is the founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, ISCOS. World Peace Ambassador, International Association of Educators for World Peace, IAEWP (NGO, UN-ECOSOC)
Dr. Rosin is an educator, perhaps best known as the original political architect of the movement to stop the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and Anti-Satellite Weapons (ASATs). Carol became the first woman executive in the aerospace industry, a Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries, a U.S. aerospace company, where she was also spokesperson for the late Dr. Wernher von Braun, the “father of rocketry.” With von Braun, Carol coordinated the award-winning “It’s Your Turn” educational program to motivate youth, women, and minorities in fields of science and technology as they could be applied to achieving world peace in a clean and safe environment for all. Their program won various awards including the Aviation Writers Award, Science Teachers Gold Medal, and others. Rosin helped set up the ATS-6 satellite educational and medical training programs across the U.S. in Appalachia, the Rocky Mountains, and Alaska, and the first national and international two-way, audio-visual satellite educational programs in over 20 countries, including 5,000 villages in India. Dr. Rosin is the founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, ISCOS. World Peace Ambassador, International Association of Educators for World Peace, IAEWP (NGO, UN-ECOSOC)
Upon leaving Fairchild after the death of von Braun, Carol became the National Chancellor of the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP), founded by Dr. Charles Mercieca, in consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council. After bringing several experts to the UN Second Special Session of the Peaceful Uses and Exploration of Outer Space in Vienna, Austria, Rosin founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space (ISCOS) in 1983. In that initial incarnation of ISCOS, the Board included Honorary Board Chairman Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Chairman of the Advisory Board Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and Advisory Board members that included the late Dr. Rashmi Mayur, the late Dr. Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller, the late Dr. Isaac Asimov, attorney Daniel Sheehan and many others. The new ISCOS Boards are soon to be announced.
Dr. Rosin was a witness in The Disclosure Project at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. in May, 2001. She has appeared in numerous media productions, interviews, and publications, and on YouTube. She has served on technical and non-technical boards including the Advisory Board of The Exopolitics Institute, and among her awards was the United Societies in Space award for her 30 years of Humanitarian Work for the Peaceful Uses of Space for Peace on Earth.
To listen or watch the entire interview, subscribe at
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