The fourth dimension and the quickening
Never have much time anymore? Is it already 10pm? Think back to a decade ago when time would just feel as if it would stand still as you sat down gazing at the rain hitting off the window waiting for home time. Remember that long dragged out feeling? Now think about now. It’s not so bad is it? Is time really speeding up?
New agers suggest that time is speeding up due to a shift in consciousness that is coninciding with mass protests and world events. It is quite easy to see all the latest news ‘stories’ that have hit the global mainstream media telling us about all these well-known people abusing children and ‘conspiracies’ that are not quite conspiracies anymore.
So why is time speeding up? It has been suggested that this phenomenon is due to humanity entering the fourth dimension.
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American Author, Dannion Brinkley, believes that time is not speeding up it is you who is changing. “we are in the midst of changes face of time.” |
In 1975 Dannion was struck by lighting and had a near death experience. He became aware of multilevel consciousness.
He said:
“There is a cosmic event accruing which is causing 24 hours not to be enough time. You know more, you are more aware, you have more feelings. You realise more things, So its not time changing its you! Because of a comic flow of energy that moving through this universe that can be measured scientifically because we sit at the end of a 26 thousand year circle called the procession of the equinox. I’ll little galaxy, this 1.1 billion plante and stars called the mickly way has now traveled 26 thousand years to circle what we call the signs of the zodiacs but through each of the 12 constellations that we now know to be our particular part of the universe. We are in the last 7 years of a 26 thousand year cycle and there is nothing we can do about it.”
Others believe time is here simply because it gives us structure, Abraham Hicks explains:
“The reason that you have come forth into this wonderful time and space reality is because it gives you a structure that helps you to focus which gives you the benefit of noting your progress it’s just a way as a leading edge deliberate creator you can feel you’re your movement your progress your evolution. So time as well as space is interval to this leading edge creative process that you are on. Rather than thinking about time we encourage you to think that things are constantly expanding.“
Now on December 21, 2012 a master shift took place where over ten million people mediated on this date. Many who did have been feeling as if time has been speeding up as it has been said that they have now entered a shift in consciousness.
What exactly happened on this date was that the Earth moved fully into the photon belt and the solstice sun was in alignment with the Galactic equator meaning that some people who were ready where taken to the next stage in life- into the state of heart-centered multi-dimensionality. This date was prophesied by many in the new age movement being gurus or channelers that on 2012 we would be subjected to a new level of awareness.
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Both the Hopis Indians and Mayans believed that we are approaching a new golden age and 2012 was the turning point |
Ian Lungold believed that time was speeding up because creation was speeding up.
He said:
“Creation is speeding up, there is more happening in less time. And that’s beenapparent for 16 billion years now. More and more is happening in every movement then ever was available before in any cyclization anywhere or everywhere. When more is possible to happen, in every moment there is more possible outcomes which opens the doors to things called miracles. Things that were not possible to happen that quickly are now possible, like cell phones. That was completely impossible before. We are going to be see more and more to become possible, in less time! “
Time is definitely a mystery. And have you ever felt that when you are doing something you truly love time goes quick? And think about that time when you were so bored and time went so slow…
Well known conspiracy theorist David Icke also believes that time is an illusion. He says that
“there is no time and there is only one infinite now. And what this hack has done has been to project this information field that carries this information called time. So time as we perceive it is the way that we decode this hacked information. The left side of the brain does it massively. It takes information from the now and puts in into a sequence this is why Estienne use to say that time for relative as he said ‘if you are in the company in a beautiful woman time seems to past very quickly.’ Because its relative.
When you’re in a situation you don’t want to be in then your decoding system constructs this sequence in a way that moves slowly. When you’re doing something you really love then this sequence is put to move quicker.”
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Well known conspiracy theorist David Icke also believes that time is an illusion |
The question is where on that disk am I watching it at any point? Its all there at the same time on the same disk before you’ve watch the first scene. But now he believes with this mass awakening is now taking us beyond this ‘time prison’. Now if time isn’t an illusion how come the infamous Albert Einstein published in 1905 the Theory of Special Relativity which explains how to interpret motion between different inertial frames of reference which means: places that are moving at constant speeds relative to each other? As a result he found that space and time were interwoven into a single continuum known as space-time and this is events that occur at the same time for one observer could occur at different times for another. Finding it hard to understand?
But there friend who is not on the truck has observed the ball is moving at 60 miles per hour adding up the speed of the car and the ball. But is he standing still? No. The earth, Sun and galaxy is constantly in motion. Meaning nothing is ever at absolute rest or absolute motion.
So is time just an illusion? Or have we entered the fourth dimension? Are we all now able to manifest everything we have truly desired and time is now speeding because most of us are enjoying everything we do? As Einstein once said “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
Now seems to be the time to go and manifest anything you have truly ever wanted!
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