Thursday, April 30, 2015
Ancient Knowledge
"The Ancients" knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces etc.
Encoded knowledge is information that is conveyed in signs and symbols and we can find this knowledge all over the world. All these ancient sightings and geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry) symbolise unseen forces at work. We are being lied to by the media. Modern archaeologists don't know what they're talking about. "The Ancients" were not stupid or primitive. We just failed to de-code this knowledge conveyed in signs, symbols and ancient artwork. This kind of information is kept hidden from the public.
The pyramids are proof, that a more advanced civilization once existed on earth. And i know how crazy it is to claim that our history books are lying and not telling the truth, yet all the evidence points to this conclusion, im just wondering how even Michael Jackson was aware of all that. He tried to warn us, but most of us failed to listen, like always.
Ancient Sightings / Sites, Machu Picchu, Giza, Easter Island, Cuzco, Saqsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo, Peru, Stonehenge, Nasca, Mexico, Mayan, Aztecs, Yonaguni site off the okinawa coast japan, Underwater pyramids.
Coral Castle is a lime stone monument that sits in "Homestead" Florida. The builder of Coral Castle "Edward Leedskalnin" claimed to know the secrets of the ancient builders and he proved it by building coral castle. The secret is magnetism and anti-gravity. He built a magnetic device to nullify or heavily reduce the weight of those enormous stones, so he could easily set them into place, if not levitate them. He left clues for us, and we can also find these same clues / symbology in the Norman Hall (Grand Masonic Lodge) in Philadelphia. The secrets of magnetism are encoded in the artwork designs. The freemasons have kept these secrets forever, but the times of secrecy are now over. The global awakening has begun and we need to rewrite our history books. They're not telling the truth. Wake to this fact.
This Episode deals with topics such as The Number 9 Code Mystery, Vortex Based Math, 360 Degree Circle, Flower of Life, Fibonacci Sequence, Time, Digital Root Method, Coral Castle, Crystals / Crystalline Rock Structures, Sun Analemma, Torah / Bible Number Codes, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Pythagoras, 432Hz, Eric Dollard, Astrology, 144, Magnetism, Hexagonal Vortex, Saturn Northpole , Cubes, Energy, Electromagnetic Fields, Geometrical Shapes / Patterns, Sound, Light, Diameter of Planets, Sun, Moon and more.
Scientists dont know what holds the universe together, the answer is sound and unseen forces. Matter is governed by sound frequencies. There is much more to life than we can perceive with our 5 senses. The question then becomes "who or what governs unseen forces?" What is behind the symmetry throughout nature? (Golden Ratio, Phi, Fibonacci Sequence etc.) It simply cant be just coincidence, in my opinion there is an intelligent mind / consciousness behind all this that keeps it all together.
Ancient Knowledge Part 1:
Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Illusion of Reality
Ancient Knowledge Part 2:
Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, Phi in Nature, DNA, Fingerprint of God
Ancient Knowledge Part 3:
Pyramids, Monuments & Megaliths, Ley Lines (Earth's Energy Grid)
Ancient Knowledge Part 4:
The Real Secret Of How The Pyramids Were Built & Coral Castle
Ancient Knowledge Part 5:
Coral Castle, Magnetic Forces, Sacred Sciences, Anti-Gravity
Ancient Knowledge Part 6:
Number 9 Code, Vortex Based Math, Flower of Life, Fibonacci, Time, 432Hz
Ancient Knowledge Part 6/2:
Coral Castle, Saturn, Saturn
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015
CERN: "Will This Summer's LHC Photon Collisions Reveal a New Theory of Space and Time?"
No significant signs of new physics with the present data from CERN's Large Hadron Collider, but it takes only 1 significant deviation in the data to change everything. First collisions of protons at the world's largest science experiment are expected to start the first or second week of June, according to a senior research scientist with CERN's Large Hadron Collider in Geneva.
"It will be about another six weeks to commission the machine, and many things can still happen on the way," said physicist Albert De Roeck, a staff member at CERN and a professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium and UC Davis, California. De Roeck is a leading scientist on CMS, one of the Large Hadron Collider's key experiments.
The LHC in early April was restarted for its second three-year run after a two-year pause to upgrade the machine to operate at higher energies. At higher energy, physicists worldwide expect to see new discoveries about the laws that govern our natural universe.
De Roeck made the comments Monday while speaking during an international meeting of more than 250 physicists from 30 countries on the campus of Southern Methodist University, Dallas.
"There are no significant signs of new physics yet," De Roeck said of the data from the first run, adding however that especially SUSY diehards -- physicists who predict the existence of a unique new theory of space and time called SuperSymmetry -- maintain hopes of seeing evidence soon of that theory.
De Roeck in fact has high expectations for the possibility of new discoveries that could change the current accepted theory of physical reality, the Standard Model.
"It will take only one significant deviation in the data to change everything," De Roeck said. "The upgraded machine works. Now we have to get to the real operation for physics." But work remains to be done. One issue the accelerator physicists remain cautiously aware of, he said, is an "Unidentified Lying Object" in the beam pipe of the LHC's 17-mile underground tunnel, a vacuum tube where proton beams collide and scatter particles that scientists then analyze for keys to unlock the mysteries of the Big Bang and the cosmos.
Because the proton beam is sensitive to the geometry of the environment and can be easily blocked, the beam pipe must be free of even the tiniest amount of debris. Even something as large as a nitrogen particle could disrupt the beam. Because the beam pipe is a sealed vacuum it's impossible to know what the "object" is.
"The unidentified lying object turns out not to be a problem for the operation, it's just something to keep an eye on," De Roeck said. "It's in the vacuum tube and it's not a problem if it doesn't move and remains stable."
The world's largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider made headlines when its global collaboration of thousands of scientists in 2012 observed a new fundamental particle, the Higgs boson. After that, the collider was paused for the extensive upgrade. Much more powerful than before, as part of Run 2 physicists on the Large Hadron Collider's experiments are analyzing new proton collision data to unravel the structure of the Higgs.
The Large Hadron Collider straddles the border between France and Switzerland. Its first run began in 2009, led by CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in Geneva, through an international consortium of thousands of scientists.
Particle discoveries unlock mysteries of cosmos, pave way for new technology. The workshop in Dallas, the "2015 International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering," draws the world's leading scientists each year to an international city for nuts and bolts talks that drive the world's leading-edge physics experiments, such as the Large Hadron Collider.
Going into the second run, De Roeck said physicists will continue to look for anomalies, unexpected decay modes or couplings, multi-Higgs production, or larger decay rates than expected, among other things.
Particle discoveries by physicists resolve mysteries, such as questions surrounding Dark Matter and Dark Energy, and the earliest moments of the Big Bang. But particle discoveries also are ultimately applied to other fields to improve everyday life, such as medical technologies like MRIs and PET scans, which diagnose and treat cancer.
For example, proton therapy is the newest non-invasive, precision scalpel in the fight against cancer, with new centers opening all over the world.
The Daily Galaxy via Southern Methodist University
Image credit: With thanks to
Is the Universe Intelligent?
How does intelligent life come to be? What is its future?

The Law of Accelerating Returns
We can organize these observations into what I call the law of accelerating returns as follows:
- Evolution applies positive feedback in that the more capable methods resulting from one stage of evolutionary progress are used to create the next stage. As a result, the
- rate of progress of an evolutionary process increases exponentially over time. Over time, the “order” of the information embedded in the evolutionary process (i.e., the measure of how well the information fits a purpose, which in evolution is survival) increases.
- A correlate of the above observation is that the “returns” of an evolutionary process (e.g., the speed, cost-effectiveness, or overall “power” of a process) increase exponentially over time.
- In another positive feedback loop, as a particular evolutionary process (e.g., computation) becomes more effective (e.g., cost effective), greater resources are deployed toward the further progress of that process. This results in a second level of exponential growth (i.e., the rate of exponential growth itself grows exponentially).
- Biological evolution is one such evolutionary process.
- Technological evolution is another such evolutionary process. Indeed, the emergence of the first technology creating species resulted in the new evolutionary process of technology. Therefore, technological evolution is an outgrowth of–and a continuation of–biological evolution.
- A specific paradigm (a method or approach to solving a problem, e.g., shrinking transistors on an integrated circuit as an approach to making more powerful computers) provides exponential growth until the method exhausts its potential. When this happens, a paradigm shift (i.e., a fundamental change in the approach) occurs, which enables exponential growth to continue.
This is interesting but does not actually answer where intelligence comes from. To do this we need to understand what consciousness is. There is a lot of discussion and argument on this with many modern philosophers weighing in. I don't want to get lost in those muddy waters so I will just suggest what I think to be true.
Consciousness begins at a level of physics very deep within the elements that make up the universe so I will start with what I think the universe is.
I think that the universe has always existed in some form not necessarily what we see today but in some form. It derives from a context of energy that has no differentiation and all physical reality passes eventually back into this form. This is the closest we can come to the concept of nothing. Contextual uniformity. The smallest amount of change in context causes everything to come into existence as such creation needs only perspective. The abstraction of definition is the beginning of the change in context. To have perspective you need to have at least two individualized points at a minimum. It is the energy shared in the altering of this context that Is the true base of all energy and matter. Everything follows from contextual energy.
Consciousness then flows from the altering of perspective. It must therefor be a territorial system of perspective of at least two points. For consciousness to be aware and intelligent it must preform homeostasis within its system.
This means that intelligence is the ability to self control experience.
So this shows that consciousness is the basis of all physical reality and that intelligence is likely in any system that can self regulate throughout the cosmos.
One of the basic criticisms of panpsychism is that it is not falsifiable but I counter that If panpsychism is scientifically it should make predictions that actually occur.
I predict that we will find many other examples of behavior that cant be explained by common materialist phenonema such as nervous systems and brains.
I would suggest that proteins are an older and more successful example of intelligence. We do not know very much about proteins yet although we have vast amounts of information there is much yet to learn.
The Very Intelligent Protein mTOR
Major accomplishments of mTOR are directly regulating the function of the ribosome, the amount of proteins made, the amount of RNA made from DNA (transcription), energy metabolism, the creation and maintenance of many different organelles and programming cellular death. mTOR is, also, directly involved in brain functions of all types, such as stimulating neural stem cells to populate the developing brain, creation of neuronal circuits, neuroplasticity and very specific functions of sleep, eating, and circadian clocks.
There is much more provided at the link .
Another example of an unfamiliar type of what could easily be defined as intelligence is within rocks.
How Do Crystals Grow?
New mineral crystals are always forming — at the surface and deep within the Earth. Crystals can even grow from vapors rich in mineral components. This happens most commonly in volcanic areas where hot gases encounter cool surroundings and deposit crystals. This photograph shows sulfur forming near a volcanic vent in Java, Indonesia.
Some crystals geodes in particular actually control their environment to enhance their ability to grow and reproduce themselves in this effort. Im going to borrow this from
Mnemomeme A truly brilliant poster to that site.
“We created three-dimensional, synthetic DNA-like crystals,” said UCLA chemistry and biochemistry professor Omar M. Yaghi, who is a member of the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) at UCLA and the UCLA–Department of Energy Institute of Genomics and Proteomics. “We have taken organic and inorganic units and combined them into a synthetic crystal which codes information in a DNA-like manner. It is by no means as sophisticated as DNA, but it is certainly new in chemistry and materials science.”The discovery could lead to cleaner energy, including technology that factories and cars can use to capture carbon dioxide before it reaches the atmosphere.
“What we think this will be important for is potentially getting to a viable carbon dioxide–capture material with ultra-high selectivity,” said Yaghi, who holds UCLA’s Irving and Jean Stone Chair in Physical Sciences and is director of the CNSI’s Center for Reticular Chemistry. “I am optimistic that is within our reach. Potentially, we could create a material that can convert carbon dioxide into a fuel, or a material that can separate carbon dioxide with greater efficiency.”
The research was federally funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences. The lead author is Hexiang “DJ” Deng, a UCLA graduate student of chemistry and biochemistry who works in Yaghi’s laboratory.
..yet for some reason, the people who have the most experimental success with crystals are nanotech/biochemist combinations…. so…
…seems extremely probable to me that geodes are a type of living thing. A silicon-based life form that’s been here on earth for millions (possibly billions?) of years.
All of this said… the fact that we’re not finding noisy life in the universe may have damned little to do with how noisy it is, and much more to do with how jittery and rapidly we live. If there are sentient silicon-based life forms, they might just be talking so incredibly slowly that we can’t hear them… or alternatively, maybe they communicate so fast we can’t even see it happen.
…or a much stranger possibility… we know there are at least six more dimensions in the physical universe than we have sensory interaction with… maybe they’re talking on some other layer of the physical universe than we’re even looking at? Maybe we’re that guy wandering around New York City staring at his own feet, and asking himself, “where are all the people? Isn’t this place supposed to be crowded?”
There are also forms of scalar intelligences within our society. They are known as corporations. States and just about any other form of humanity that we spread that defends its existence as one organism.
Then there is the phenomena of of memes Ideas that spread and use many algorithms for survival. I will leave this today with this video that while it does not mention memes is pretty obviously referring to memes.
Why a Physics Revolution Might Be on Its Way
"Today we finally have the theoretical framework in place to ask these kinds of big questions," Arkani-Hamed said. "The next step will likely be a revolution."![]() |
Artist’s rendering of the amplituhedron, a newly discovered mathematical object resembling a multifaceted jewel in higher dimensions. Encoded in its volume are the most basic features of reality that can be calculated — the probabilities of outcomes of particle interactions. (Quanta Magazine) |
by Kelly Dickerson from
The field of physics may be turned on its head soon, said renowned physicist Nima Arkani-Hamed during a live lecture from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada.
For one, he said, the tried and true physics of relativity and quantum mechanics don't get along well. The problem is that in some sense, the principles behind these theories seem to be impossible when physicists dig a little deeper into them, Arkani-Hamed said. Scientists run into a lot of problems when they try to apply these theories to the entirety of space and time.
The two ideas are also incredibly constraining, and they make it challenging for physicists to think outside the box and develop new ideas and theories, Arkani-Hamed said. [The 9 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics]
"It's almost impossible to monkey around with the rules and not be wrong immediately," Arkani-Hamed said.
Physicists have known about this disparity for a while, but progress on fundamental questions in physics takes a long time. Scientists proposed the existence of the Higgs boson particle, for example, decades before it was actually discovered.
An unexplained macroscopic universe
One problem is that conventional physics doesn't really account
for why the universe is so large, Arkani-Hamed said.
Albert Einstein's theory of relativity showed that a huge amount ofenergy
exists in the vacuum of space, and it should curve space and time. In fact, there should be so much curvature that the universe is a tiny, crumpled ball.
"That should make the universe horrendously different than what it is," Arkani-Hamed said.
But quantum mechanics also poses a problem. The theory is good at describing the very small realm of particle physics, but it breaks down when physicists try to apply it to the universe as a whole.
"Everything that quantum mechanics is, is violated by our universe because we're accelerating (referring to the idea that the universe is expanding) – we don't know what the rules are," Arkani-Hamed said. "When you try to apply quantum mechanics to the entire universe, quantum mechanics cries 'uncle.'"
Physics frontiers
One possible way to solve the problem is with an entirely new theory beyond the Standard Model, the reigning theory of particle physics, the physicist said. [Sparticles to Neutrinos: The Coolest Little Particles in the Universe]
One idea is called string theory, which proposes that particles aren't actually fundamentally particles. Instead, the particles and all the matter in the universe they make up are composed of tiny, vibrating strings. The equations that support string theory appear to work, but that doesn't mean there are no other viable formulas or explanations, Arkani-Hamed said.
Supersymmetry is another possible "new physics" explanation. Under this idea, all subatomic particles have a "superpartner" particle that physicists have yet to discover. Supersymmetry would also open up extra directions that the particles can move in
. The discovery of supersymmetry would bolster the Standard Model of physics, scientists have said.
"It's the last thing nature can do to make itself compatible with the general principles of physics that already exist," Arkani-Hamed said.
When the world's largest atom smasher, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is up and running again next year, physicists will be looking for the extra particles that supersymmetry suggests should exist.
Either way, after a year or two of running the LHC, the question of whether supersymmetry exists should be answered, Arkani-Hamed said.
The experiments over the next few years will likely tell physicists if they need to fine-tune existing theories or if the field of physics is due for a much deeper and more dramatic paradigm shift.
The questions on the table
now are the underpinnings of space and time, and the origin and fate of the universe, Arkani-Hamed said.
"Today we finally have the theoretical framework in place to ask these kinds of big questions," Arkani-Hamed said. "The next step will likely be a revolution."
Follow Kelly Dickerson on Twitter. Follow us @livescience, Facebook &Google+. Original article
on Live Science.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Understanding the Energy-Based Nature of Reality and the World Around Us
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Art by Cameron Gray |
By Nick Harding
If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. – Nikola TeslaIt has always been my belief and understanding that everything in our world, the trees and streams, our pets, and ourselves, are a just one aspect of reality. Our perceptions and senses, what we see, hear, and feel, are merely a physical manifestation of what really exists, and provide just a small component of understanding in the scope of what really is. The actual substance of our existence, in my opinion, is purely energy-based. We are all comprised of energy, and every action and reaction which we see is accompanied by a transmission of kinetic or potential energy interacting between entities. Many theologists have made references to our souls being the pure energy form of ourselves, and some suggest that our spirits are formless. I have come to believe that the physical manifestation we all know is just a clay molding over the energy substructure and the reality of our being.
In a previous article of mine, I made the statement that those who can see energy do so because of the depth of the energy around their third eye being condensed, and that others are more apt to feel energy than see it. This can be attributed to DNA/hereditary abilities, or entirely to spirituality. The spiritual explanation of this is that everything which happens, and every interaction we perceive, is actually happening in the astral realm. Everything we witness in the physical world is a perception of something which happened in the astral realm, as well.
What we see in the physical world and what happens in the astral realm are linked together, and both instances/interactions are equally relevant. When we reach out and hug a loved one, the energy exchange happens, which can be witnessed by those who can see or feel energy, is just as much an interaction in the astral realm, between two souls, as it is a chemical reaction in our brains. The pain and pleasure we feel, the intensity of heat and cold, are all physical representations of an equally important reaction between energy sources as it happens in the astral realm, but perceived by our waking minds. Our physical senses are a comprehensible representation of the actual occurrence between two souls.
Earlier, I used the word “depth” in reference to the energy surrounding a person’s third eye. Another fitting analogy for this could be density, mass, or inertia, but none of these terms apply to something with no physical properties. The substance and energy of the world are not bound by physics in the conventional sense. A person may be regarded as absolutely enormous when perceived with a simple understanding within the astral realm.
The depth or saturation of energy is perceived, physically, as a spatially constrained form, but the astral realm pays no head to such mundane concepts. Energy is infinite, and, therefore, the realm in which all energy consists to exist is infinite. As such, a definition of energy can’t be made by any term known to physical awareness; depth, density, area, vastness are all irrelevant. A strong energy form is undefinable by our current perception, but the way we perceive it, consciously and physically, redefines it to something we can understand.
Maybe this transitive property takes hold with other aspects of our subconscious, considering our spirit exists in a world of energy. Maybe everything which we see and feel in this life, every emotion, every experience, is just our minds’ way of translating subsequent occurrence from the astral. Maybe everything is a subjugated perspective based on transition properties between verses.
Congratulations A Warp Field Is Born
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The EmDrive: Limitless electrically generated thrust could revolutionize satellites and space travel |
By Exidor
Sometimes the main stream media makes me really ill. The biggest scientific breakthrough of all time is occurring right now and not a peep on any corporate media websites.
The history of science is full of accidents and missteps. Sometimes these mistakes or accidents can shed new light on a situation. Today NASA engineers have literally stumbled upon a new phenomena in physics. A whole new scientific frontier is being born right now. Theoretical has become the practical. This new phenomena has actual verified laboratory data which has been duplicated at least 3 or 4 times by different researchers. This new phenomena has met and amazed all involved.
This time in our history will be remembered along with the other great moments of science. Future historians will mention our time in the same breath as the creation of the Principia Mathematica, Einsteins General, and Special Relativity. By accident and totally unexpected scientists have measured the formation of a space-time effect. It is too early to call it a bubble, but lets say disturbance. Humans have never been able to do this before, ever. The common understanding is that the collective energy output of a galaxy of stars is the magnitude of energy needed to warp space. Science may be wrong by the order of billions of magnitude.
How did this happen?
NASA and other space programs were working on prototypes of what they call the EmDrive or RF resonant cavity thruster. It was invented by British aerospace engineer Roger J. Shawyer. This propulsion device uses a magnetron to produce microwaves for thrust, has no moving parts and needs no reaction mass for fuel. In 2014, Johnson Space Center claimed to have developed its own low-power EmDrive.
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Prototype of EM Drive |
Posts on, a forum devoted to the engineering side of space news, by NASA scientists for NASA scientists. Have been ferociously having nerd-gasms since the news broke. History is truly being made here. You dear reader owe it to yourself to investigate this for yourself. Check out the NASA forum for yourself. It is a technical forum so the details of the discussions are not for the lay person.
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Post from: |
Other comments on the thread…
That’s the big surprise. This signature (the interference pattern) on the EmDrive looks just like what a warp bubble looks like. And the math behind the warp bubble apparently matches the interference pattern found in the EmDrive.
Another surprise is that the discovery was accidental, as this comment attests.
Seems to have been an accidental connection. They were wondering where this “thrust” might be coming from. One scientists proposed that maybe it’s a warp of the space time foam, which is causing the thrust.
What happens next?
To prove that the warp effect was not caused by atmospheric heating, the test will be replicated in a vacuum. If the same results are achieved, it seems to mean that the EmDrive is producing a warp field, which could ultimately lead to the development of a warp drive.
When this is proven to be true it will open up the Universe to us in ways we can not yet fathom. If we humans can crack light speed and have a practical apparatus that can warp or fold space at will, why couldn’t the other advanced alien life forms in the Universe figure this out as well? If we sentient monkeys who have only had science for less than 500 years, can figure it out maybe it is not such a difficult issue in the grand scheme of things. Compared to other civilizations that have had millions or billions of years head start on us we are in the Special Olympics category of intellect. If we homicidal monkeys can do it the bar must be low. This tells me that aliens should have no problem with this. The old argument that the Universe is too big for them to get here is now totally smashed.
I’ll volunteer to help to dismantle S.E.T.I… Where do I sign up.
Has NASA Really Created A Warp Drive?
Photo credit: Traveling trough space and time, intergalactic exploration by Pixelparticle via Shutterstock |
by Caroline Reid
Forget blowing bubbles, NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that will open up every corner of the universe for human exploration. We have broken the speed of sound, but now NASA scientists are tentatively announcing they may have broken the speed of light.
The piece of kit responsible for the sudden warp-drive frenzy is called the Electromagnetic Drive or EM Drive for short. It’s an innovative thruster that was built to steer rockets without the use of a propellant. The idea was originally met with skepticism: In order to move in one direction in the vacuum of space, you need to push an object in the opposite direction to give your rocket momentum. The object pushed in the opposite direction to the motion of the vessel is called the propellant, but the EM Drive does away with that.
It was originally intended for moon missions, Mars missions and low-Earth orbit (LEO) operations. Now, the hype over the EM Drive is all about record-timing interstellar travel.
The experiment that led to these exciting conclusions was performed in the vacuum of space. After shooting laser beams into the EM Drive’s resonance chamber, where the light is resonated to increase its intensity, researchers found that some of the beams of light were moving faster than the speed of light constant: approximately 300,000,000 meters per second (186,000 miles per second). The big question that’s intriguing scientists and dreamers alike is "How?"
Einstein’s theory of relativity forbids any object from moving faster than the speed of light. Fortunately, there’s a theory that sidesteps this minor impossibility. If the laser beams are definitely moving faster than the speed of light, then it would indicate that they are creating some sort of warp field, or bubble in the space-time foam, which in turn produces the thrust that could, in the future, power a spaceship.
The bubble would contract space-time in front of the ship, flow over the ship, then expand back to normality behind it. It’s inaccurate to describe the spaceship as moving faster than the speed of light, but rather space-time is moving around the ship faster than the speed of light. This is different to a wormhole, where one part of the universe is connected to another and the ship travels through the hole. The ship itself is essentially stationary and the space-time bubble hurtles around it.
A commonly held belief is that during the Big Bang, space-time expanded dizzyingly fast, certainly faster than the speed of light! So if space-time moved faster than the speed of light, then why couldn’t scientists warp space-time now? Warp drive technology, similar to ones described in popular science fiction, could well be next on the agenda.
Even the less-glamorous forms of space travel are set to benefit from this technology. The EM Drive will get satellites off the ground by reducing their launch masses. Space stations won’t demand as many refueling missions, making space life cheaper with the added benefit of less damage to the structure of spacecrafts from docking maneuvers.
There are still lots of tests that need to be performed to confirm whether the laser beams are breaking the speed of light barrier. In 2011, the OPERA experiment mistakenly observed neutrino particles to be moving faster than the speed of light. They later realized that the culprits for these mind-blowing conclusions were a faulty fibre optic cable and a clock that ticked too quickly.
Hopefully, the EM Drive will prove to be perfectly functioning so that we can get on top of warp drive technology!
[via: NASA, NASA Sapceflight, Sputnik News, Mysterious Universe, Inquisitr]
500,000 Year Old Engraving Rewrites View Of Human History
A team of researchers from Leiden University in the Netherlands have discovered what appears to be the oldest known engraving in human history. The geometric marks were found on a fossilized mollusc shell that dates back approximately 500,000 years ago.
In colonial-era Indonesia, 166 freshwater muscle shells were found at Trinil, a common digging ground for paleontologists and anthropologists. The shells were found on the banks of the Bengawan Solo River, in the Ngawi regency of the East Java Province. It’s a well known spot given the fact that it’s the site that Dutch paleontologist Eugene Dubois discovered the famous “Java Man,” the first early hominid remains to be found outside of Europe.
As reported in the Journal Nature, the team at Leiden University, led by Josephine Joordens used modern day technology to analyse the Trinil shells that were found at the site. Argon dating of the sediment in the shells put their age between approximately 430,000 and 540,000 years old. (1)
One of the shells that was found had a smooth and polished edge, which suggests it might have been used as a tool for cutting, scraping, etc. Another one of them was found to have “a zigzag set of grooves cut into it, by a sharp implement such as a shark’s tooth. The marks are at least 300,000 years older than the earliest previously known, indisputable engravings.” (2)
“It’s the oldest known graphic expression. The behavior is deliberate . The individual had the desire to make a zigzag pattern in a single go. We don’t know why he did it. It may have been the mark of ownership, a personal code, a gift. ” – Francesco d’Errico of Bordeaux University in southwestern France.(2)
Geometric marks like these are considered to be a sign of cognitive behavior and neuromotor skills that – previously – have only been attributed to modern man. This thought, however, has now changed and these findings are sufficient evidence to attribute these characteristics to Homo erectus, which completely shatters the modern day stereotype of H. erectus, which is one with very limited cognitive ability.
Findings like these are truly remarkable and shed light on just how little we really know about our past. Furthermore, discoveries that change the current framework of knowledge are not always publicized. When it comes to the modern day theory of evolution, although it’s thought to be generally well understood, there is still much we do not understand about it. Whether substantial or minuscule, discoveries such as this help to piece together the convoluted puzzle that is evolution.
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