Greetings and Salutations;
So, I see some of you had your heads blown about some mis/dis…put out by a couple of the talking heads, one is certain to be a talking head for the cheney group. Therefore, we’re still looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I bet when he passes and get’s his karmic payment for deeds done, he’ll be arguing for his rights to tell those lies. What happened to ‘debt doesn’t matter?’
Common sense says it matters to they you owe. Mr wanta has backup to getting that 27T spread out. The other signatory is setting on ice right now, ready to initiate the reagan/mitterrand protocols. Because they’ve tried to kill the man on a few occasions, he thought it best to remain where he is until the all clear is sounded. As the phoenix rises, the eggs will start cracking open and you’ll notice, the world will notice…one thing that will be noticed is folks exchanging their dinars and dongs. RVs Have to happen, new banking system based on precious metals, the rvs happen accordingly.
Something this huge can’t be laid on the head of the president or a prime minister. All have signed off as the docs have been presented. They all need the money…duh! Old banking is over, the robber barons of banking are looking at their waterloo. Go with the flow or be jobless and black balled from ever being in banking again. BTW, the one person not screaming about anything out here is Lee Wanta, think the man knows something? If you can, catch ‘wanta be free’, published interviews with him. Butts are puckering in Wisconsin.
This is the end of the long march to true freedom and every fate ego will be dumping crap on the net so you lose your mind or confuse you. I’m really Not the roses and feel good messenger I have been portrayed, I have know the truth for years now, I was put in this position because ‘my hand was too heavy’ as I was told, liars and thieves are simply that and I’m not in the game of redemption. Take that up with your maker. I’m about removal and freedom, real freedom not that ‘patriotic’ garbage.
The meaningless prattle coming out of DC. Everybody gets their own vine and fig tree, remember, unless the dragons, etc, did what they did with the less than nice guys. You’d have got your money and the bad guys would have just stole it back. Some things you Have to use explosives on! Nothing like somebody in a $5000 suit sitting in prison, eating gov cheese and drinking powdered milk. That’s justice. How’s that working out for ya fellas?
Consultations until the door bell rings.
Have fun. Be a baby phoenix and rise, baby, rise
Love and Kisses;
Sunday, March 31, 2013
‘Challenging the dollar’: Bitcoin total value tops $1 billion
Already bigger than many sovereign currencies, Bitcoin has broken the $1 billion in value mark this week. In the wake of continuing economic crises and liquidity shortages, this new virtual currency is poised to challenge the euro and US dollar.
Already bigger than many sovereign currencies, Bitcoin has broken the $1 billion in value mark this week. In the wake of continuing economic crises and liquidity shortages, this new virtual currency is poised to challenge the euro and US dollar.
By not being tied to any particular financial institution and independent from world governments, Bitcoin will become a safe haven for anyone trying to save their money from the crippled international banking system, claimed Max Keiser, the host of RT's Keiser Report.
“It is inevitable that Bitcoin will become a multi-trillion dollar enterprise because every other currency in the world is tied to dying central banks that are encumbered with impossible-to-pay debts and bankrupt counter-party risks,” Keiser said.
Bitcoin emerged in 2009 amid the global financial meltdown. The digital currency was created by someone who identified himself as Satoshi Nakamoto. It is based on open-source software, and uses peer-to-peer connections for monetary transactions to avoid centralized authorities.
Bitcoin aims to provide safe and secure exchange by verifying transactions with encryption that is used in military and government applications. And unlike bank services, the Bitcoin network is free, except for a voluntary to speed up transaction processing.
Issuance of the currency is completely automated, with 25 new bitcoins generated every 10 minutes; inflation is set to be halved every four years, until a total of 21 million bitcoins is reached. In theory, the currency would not lose its purchasing power unless individuals and businesses refused to use bitcoins.
With numerous financial companies already exchanging bitcoins into any of the world’s currencies, the founder of the Swedish Pirate Party, Rick Falkvinge, estimated that Bitcoin could capture between 1 and 10 percent of the global foreign exchange market. This implies that the price of each and every bitcoin would rise to between $100,000 and $1 million, Max Keiser explained.
Ten years ago, few predicted that Facebook would have more than 1 billion users worldwide/ By the same token, few today imagine bitcoin could take on the G20 nations, but Keiser believes this may soon take place: “Bitcoin's valuation, already bigger than many sovereign currencies, will challenge the most-traded currencies today, including the US dollar, the euro, the yen and the renminbi.”
Regulatory hand reaches out
Because the virtual currency bypasses authorities and cannot be taxed unless the person deliberately reveals his transactions, the US government and the Treasury Department are seeking to enact stricter regulations and new money-laundering rules.
It is difficult to predict this new policy would play out: Patrick Murck, a legal counsel for the Bitcoin Foundation, a trade group promoting industry standards, said the framework “would be infeasible for many, if not most, members of the Bitcoin community to comply with.”
Keiser believes that Bitcoin users and the currency itself have little to worry about, unlike most of Internet startups feeling themselves suddenly vulnerable to government oversight. Bitcoins are not issued by a central body, and rely on a network of verification nodes to regulate transactions; in the future, Bitcoin users may achieve enough political clout to defend itself in traditional arenas.
“As Bitcoin's price increases, the new Bitcoin millionaires and billionaires will use their economic clout to rewrite laws in favor of Bitcoin, the same way banks like JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs lobby government to write laws that favor them,” he explained.
Web 3.0?
Bitcoin could also offer relief to debt-stricken countries such as Cyprus. “Cyprus was Bitcoin's 'come to Jesus' moment and it's fitting it happened around the Easter Holiday,” Keiser said.“For millions of people around the world who have been victimized by banksters and their corrupt politician friends, the light bulb went off and they suddenly realized they could save their wealth by parking it in Bitcoin and no government or bankster could stop them.”
After the initial rush of interest in the Internet in the mid-1990s, and the follow-up boom of Web 2.0 and the growth of social networking, Bitcoin is the third and “perhaps the most disruptive wave of all,” Keiser said.
“This is Web 3.0,” he said. “For me it's extremely exciting since I pioneered the idea of virtual currencies back in the mid 1990s and have four US patents in my name covering virtual trading and virtual currencies. Most people I talked to back then about these ideas and the possibility that something like Bitcoin could exist didn't think it was possible. They were wrong.”
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Bitcoins (Image from |
Already bigger than many sovereign currencies, Bitcoin has broken the $1 billion in value mark this week. In the wake of continuing economic crises and liquidity shortages, this new virtual currency is poised to challenge the euro and US dollar.
By not being tied to any particular financial institution and independent from world governments, Bitcoin will become a safe haven for anyone trying to save their money from the crippled international banking system, claimed Max Keiser, the host of RT's Keiser Report.
“It is inevitable that Bitcoin will become a multi-trillion dollar enterprise because every other currency in the world is tied to dying central banks that are encumbered with impossible-to-pay debts and bankrupt counter-party risks,” Keiser said.
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Image from |
Bitcoin aims to provide safe and secure exchange by verifying transactions with encryption that is used in military and government applications. And unlike bank services, the Bitcoin network is free, except for a voluntary to speed up transaction processing.
Bitcoins can be bought for other currencies, virtual or real, and are accepted as payment for goods or services. They can also be won through gambling, received as gifts or donations, or simply 'mining' – the process by which new bitcoins are introduced into the system.Bitcoins (BTC) are bought and sold for other currencies at online exchanges. The Japan-based Mt. Gox is the largest of its kind, where BTC have recently traded at an average exchange rate of $90 per bitcoin.
With numerous financial companies already exchanging bitcoins into any of the world’s currencies, the founder of the Swedish Pirate Party, Rick Falkvinge, estimated that Bitcoin could capture between 1 and 10 percent of the global foreign exchange market. This implies that the price of each and every bitcoin would rise to between $100,000 and $1 million, Max Keiser explained.
“I have stated that myself,” Keiser said. “I think bitcoin's price will reach $200,000 per bitcoin before Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway's stock.”
Ten years ago, few predicted that Facebook would have more than 1 billion users worldwide/ By the same token, few today imagine bitcoin could take on the G20 nations, but Keiser believes this may soon take place: “Bitcoin's valuation, already bigger than many sovereign currencies, will challenge the most-traded currencies today, including the US dollar, the euro, the yen and the renminbi.”
Regulatory hand reaches out
Because the virtual currency bypasses authorities and cannot be taxed unless the person deliberately reveals his transactions, the US government and the Treasury Department are seeking to enact stricter regulations and new money-laundering rules.
Bitcoins are vulnerable to being stolen by hackers, thieves and fraudsters, though the Bitcoin community has made efforts to curb such crimes.The largest Bitcoin scam reportedly ran in 2012, and was structured like a classic Ponzi scheme. Investors lost at least 200,000 BTC worth $2.2 million at the time, according to the Bitcoin Forums. The high estimate puts the number at 500,000 BTC, or 5 percent of the total number of bitcoins in circulation at the time.
The largest Bitcoin hacking heist, in March 2012, robbed the victims of 46,653 BTC ($230,468). The perpetrators exploited a vulnerability in the customer service of Bitcoinica exchange to get access to users' wallets.Satoshi Nakamoto, who created Bitcoin in 2009, left the system to develop on its own in 2011; his true identity was never revealed.
One popular theory among Russian bloggers speculates that Nakamoto is Grigory Perelman, a reclusive Russian mathematician famous for solving the PoincarĂ© conjecture and receiving the Fields Medal – the 'Nobel prize of math,' – for the achievement.
Keiser believes that Bitcoin users and the currency itself have little to worry about, unlike most of Internet startups feeling themselves suddenly vulnerable to government oversight. Bitcoins are not issued by a central body, and rely on a network of verification nodes to regulate transactions; in the future, Bitcoin users may achieve enough political clout to defend itself in traditional arenas.
“As Bitcoin's price increases, the new Bitcoin millionaires and billionaires will use their economic clout to rewrite laws in favor of Bitcoin, the same way banks like JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs lobby government to write laws that favor them,” he explained.
Web 3.0?
Bitcoin could also offer relief to debt-stricken countries such as Cyprus. “Cyprus was Bitcoin's 'come to Jesus' moment and it's fitting it happened around the Easter Holiday,” Keiser said.“For millions of people around the world who have been victimized by banksters and their corrupt politician friends, the light bulb went off and they suddenly realized they could save their wealth by parking it in Bitcoin and no government or bankster could stop them.”
After the initial rush of interest in the Internet in the mid-1990s, and the follow-up boom of Web 2.0 and the growth of social networking, Bitcoin is the third and “perhaps the most disruptive wave of all,” Keiser said.
“This is Web 3.0,” he said. “For me it's extremely exciting since I pioneered the idea of virtual currencies back in the mid 1990s and have four US patents in my name covering virtual trading and virtual currencies. Most people I talked to back then about these ideas and the possibility that something like Bitcoin could exist didn't think it was possible. They were wrong.”
Three censored TED talks they do not want you to see
The current world order establishment has plenty to gain by keeping the people of the planet in the dark about ideas that can lead to a revolution in human consciousness.
1. Graham Hancock – The War on Consciousness
Hancock's TED Talk, “The War on Consciousness”, was deliberately removed from YouTube: “Graham Hancock’s talk, again, shares a compelling and unorthodox worldview, but one that strays well beyond the realm of reasonable science. While attempting to critique the scientific worldview, he misrepresents what scientists actually think…” Chris Anderson, [TED]. After some debate, this presentation was not fully re-posted to TED’s site, but rather subjugated to a new, unseen basement corner on TED’s site, limiting its future visibility.
Graham Hancock is the author of major international bestsellers, his books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His works present the nature of consciousness, Ayahuasca, and altered states of consciousness and offer an essential examination of our culture.
2. Rupert Sheldrake – The Science of Delusion
TED also removed the recent talk by author and bio-chemist Rupert Sheldrake. In the bold debate about the nature of human consciousness, Rupert Sheldrake stands out for questioning the standing dogmas of modern science and for bringing us his fascinating theory of Morphic Resonance regarding the collective memory and the habits of nature.
3. Rick Hanauer – Rich People Don’t Create Jobs
Entrepreneur Rick Hanauer's presentation is surrounded by controversy because after it was recorded, it was passed over for publication by TED. Stating that allegations of censorship are false, and that TED merely favored better presentations over Hanauer’s when deciding what to publish to their hugely popular website, TED publicly released the talk after suspicions were raised.
UFO Spotted Before Eiffel Tower Terrorist Scare (Video)
Was it a spaceship? Watch the video below and decide for yourself.
A UFO was seen buzzing the Eiffel Tower in Paris last Tuesday, just four days before the Parisian landmark was evacuated because of terror threats, reports
A video titled “Woman Records UFO Near Collision With Eiffel Tower Paris 26th March 2013″ has emerged online showing a glowing orb flying directly at the Eiffel Tower, then rocketing upwards in the sky. The object was not a conventional aircraft, weather balloon or Chinese lantern, reports the website. It was traveling too quickly, and changed directions on a dime.
Was it a spaceship? Watch the video below and decide for yourself.
However, on Saturday, French police cleared the entire Eiffel Tower because of a terrorist phone threat.
A UFO was caught on tape last month, hovering over the Empire State Building in New York City. No phone threats followed.
By: Yori Yanover
Published: March 31st, 2013
A UFO was seen buzzing the Eiffel Tower in Paris last Tuesday, just four days before the Parisian landmark was evacuated because of terror threats, reports

Was it a spaceship? Watch the video below and decide for yourself.
However, on Saturday, French police cleared the entire Eiffel Tower because of a terrorist phone threat.
A UFO was caught on tape last month, hovering over the Empire State Building in New York City. No phone threats followed.
No Waiting
As the days stretch into months, one can’t help but consider the notion of waiting. In order to wait, you have to embrace linear time, for without it, waiting is impossible. Everything is now.
Let’s back up. About a year ago, many of our clocks broke. It was mentioned here and reported by dozens of readers. Time was just not operating “like clockwork” any longer. It seemed to be moving faster. We are still catching up.
In my home, we now rely exclusively on our cell phones for the correct “time”. Even they sometimes are all over the map. Unless we have an appointment to make, time seems irrelevant.
To “wait” implies that what you are waiting for is not here, you don’t have it, cannot see it and “time” must pass in order for you to get it. Yet in a very real sense we are moving out of time. So, how can both be true? Is it possible for us to “wait”, which implies the passage of “time”, for a life where there is no such thing?
Consider the idea that everything is Now. Your focus changes from moment to moment, true. Yet within each moment rests all possibility. If you are “waiting” for something to happen you have pushed it out of reach, you are not focused on it and cannot see it or pull it to you. Oh, it is there, and just as soon as you decide to focus again on its possibility you’ll embrace it and have it.
This is another way to Be. Linear “time” is a way of thinking, not a fact. Everything is Now.
As far as I know, there is no magic “Next Dimensional Fairy” who will come, wave her magic wand and change the construct of our existence. It is us. We are gradually wrapping our heads around expanded ways of thinking, Being and Doing. Time is just one of them.
We recently became a one car family. This was unexpected. My first reaction was logical perhaps. Certainly it was the way we’ve always operated. “We’ll just have to make it work for about six months. We’ll look around and save until we can afford to replace it.” It’s inconvenient. As jobs and activities change, it’s also barely working. A different approach has become a necessity.
We’ve set our intent on a new car. The possibility now exists. We will check out all ideas and options, regardless of prior bias. Someone has suggested leasing, so we’ll look into it. We have stopped waiting and moved into expecting, exploring and investigating. It is not a matter of time; it’s a matter of focus. The word “energize” works here – we are thinking about the car, expecting the car, seeing the car and talking about the car. We are not waiting. The car IS.
Life is a hell of a lot more fun when you’re expecting to discover something in every moment. It feels more like an adventure. If we can take “waiting” out of our vocabulary, everything changes. It’s all possible. There is no longer a reason to put off any discovery or experience or happiness or prosperity or action. Just alter your focus and there it’ll be - where it has been all along.
It is no longer “You are the One you’ve been waiting for”, but You are the One.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
GAIAPORTAL: Stars of Radiance
Awakening Stars within individual Hue-Beings connect to new Gaia portals within 5-7 D levels. Bodies of Radiance become visible to these Beings, and become visible to others with Higher Sensitivities.
Such Stars of Radiance become commonplace among Gaia planetary teams as Higher Level missions are acknowledged and accepted.
This occurs in the Now moment.
Awakening Stars within individual Hue-Beings connect to new Gaia portals within 5-7 D levels. Bodies of Radiance become visible to these Beings, and become visible to others with Higher Sensitivities.
Such Stars of Radiance become commonplace among Gaia planetary teams as Higher Level missions are acknowledged and accepted.
This occurs in the Now moment.
Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans
The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website.
The records dating back to soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents delivered by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says.
Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value.
“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” he said.
On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.
Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs
Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments:
“Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate. Near Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”
Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.
In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured.
“I think about underwater bases and say: why not? Nothing should be discarded,” says Vladimir Azhazha. “Skepticism is the easiest way: believe nothing, do nothing. People rarely visit great depths. So it’s very important to analyze what they encounter there.”
Meanwhile Russian Navy officials have denied the collection of UFO-related encounters exists. A source in the Navy’s service staff said the story may have its roots in the reports of vessel commanders, which describe locating objects of unclear but Earthly origin.
“An illusion of a UFO encounter can result from large fish shoals, floating garbage or natural phenomena,” ITAR-TASS news agency cites the source.
The records dating back to soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents delivered by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says.
Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value.
“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” he said.
On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.
Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs
Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments:
“Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate. Near Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”
Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.
In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured.
“I think about underwater bases and say: why not? Nothing should be discarded,” says Vladimir Azhazha. “Skepticism is the easiest way: believe nothing, do nothing. People rarely visit great depths. So it’s very important to analyze what they encounter there.”
Meanwhile Russian Navy officials have denied the collection of UFO-related encounters exists. A source in the Navy’s service staff said the story may have its roots in the reports of vessel commanders, which describe locating objects of unclear but Earthly origin.
“An illusion of a UFO encounter can result from large fish shoals, floating garbage or natural phenomena,” ITAR-TASS news agency cites the source.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
How Leonardo da Vinci Used Sacred Geometry in Painting the Mona Lisa
There is strong evidence that supports Leonardo da Vinci’s use of Sacred Geometry, also known as the Golden Ratio or Golden Number, while creating the Mona Lisa.
Last spring, I learned about the use of the Golden Ratio when I took a painting workshop from the very accomplished painter, Michael Workman. Understanding the elements of scared geometry will help elevate and enhance your own artistic compositions.Besides the Mona Lisa, the Golden Number 1.61803398874989… was used in the planning and construction of religious structures as well as for sacred spaces. Apparently, da Vinci methodically laid out his composition before he started to paint in order to align his model while using a camera obscura or camera lucida as suggested by David Hockney.
In the future, I plan to post an in-depth article on the subject of the Golden Ratio. Until then, I hope you enjoy this interesting look at the mysterious creation on the Mona Lisa where you will learn how to analyze da Vinci’s compositional process.
Read more:
PressTV: Look out! The ‘BRIIICS’ are coming!
Look out! The ‘BRIIICS’ are coming!
Iran is a stalwart moral and political leader. It stands up against Zionism. It has huge natural resources. It is making extraordinary technological progress. It will soon be a BRIIICS member.
And so will Indonesia, which has the world’s fourth largest population, a fast developing economy (around 7% per year) and, again, huge natural resources.
Already, the present BRICS have 40% of the world’s population, 30% of its land mass, and 25% of its GDP with the latter being a sharply rising figure. Other countries, like Venezuela, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia, are certain to join in.
Much more important, however, is the BRICS decision to set up a new development bank for long-term infrastructure. This is intended to rival, indeed, outclass, the Western-backed institutions. The underlying rationale is simple: the BRICS are determined to challenge Western political and economic dominance and, in particular, to break the dominance of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, which have not served the development needs of poor countries and have generally served only to put them into ever-increasing, un-repayable debt.
All of which is excellent news. The West has exploited emerging and poor countries and everywhere has been financially and militarily aggressive. Put simply, other countries are fed-up with the West: they have had enough.
The new bank, however, has more purposes than just being a development bank. American aggression, for example, is ultimately dependent upon the US dollar being the world’s reserve and main trading currency. The BRICS are going to end that by establishing a new reserve and trading currency.
Indeed, the situation can be put even more clearly. The West has long exploited and oppressed everybody that it could but now the boot, in the traditional metaphor, is on the other foot. Political power is shifting away from the West; economic power is shifting away from the West and its moral authority has almost completely disappeared (torture, assassinations, the creeping genocide of the Palestinians and the deliberate furtherance of a vicious sectarianism have seen to that).
Significantly, the BRICS are objecting to sanctions and war threats against Iran and are strongly opposed to Zionist Israel. It will not be long they declare that Israel is a pariah state.
Perhaps the most significant outcome of the BRICS summit is the proposed creation of an optic fibre cable linking all five states (with relatively easy extensions to Iran and Indonesia). Indeed, it could be that the BRICS are constructing an independent global optic fibre internet system or at least an extensive one over which they will have complete control. The BRICS are intensely aware that the USA, denying the evidence of its own sixteen intelligence agencies, is pursuing a Zionist agenda against Iran which includes excluding Iran from the SWIFT international banking system and other banking transactions. The new cable should put an end to that.
The BRICS are raising the flag of independence and are telling the West that its abuse of others has gone so far that the others are going to make their own way in life. And that will really matter because more and more Non-Aligned Movement nations will be joining the BRICS in various ways which will particularly include regional, economic, financial, military and technological agreements. An example is that China and Brazil have signed a currency swap deal under which they will be using their own currencies for half of their mutual trade i.e., the US dollar will not be involved. For a while the US dollar can be expected to remain the main trading currency – until suddenly it isn’t.
Furthermore, Africa, for example, long exploited solely for its minerals and resources with no concern for the lives of the inhabitants, is simply going to turn to those who can provide the one big thing that Africa needs – industrialisation.
The importance of the BRICS summit cannot be overestimated partly because it represents new countries beginning to take power and partly because it heralds a new world coming into being.
However, a new world is not necessarily a better world and the BRICS, becoming the BRIIICS and much more, must be careful not to incorporate, without realising, assumptions and practices stemming from corrupt old Western institutions, thinking and practices. Chief of these is thinking that it does not matter if there is huge rich-poor division. This is at the heart of corrupt Western ‘trickle-down’ economics and is a complete breach of fundamental market principle, which says that producers and consumers must be the same people i.e., real productive (and therefore consuming) power must be spread to everyone in society.
Another corrupt assumption is that interest is necessary for the spreading of real productive capacity. Interest is not necessary: it is an unnecessary tax imposed by the global financial elite merely for its own benefit. The BRIIICS must ensure that the commercial banks are controlled so that they can only lend their own money (which they can then waste, if they want to, or charge interest on it). But the main money supply, for the spreading of the real economy, must stem, interest-free, from the national bank (although it may be administered by the commercial banks making only a fair administration charge).
Jalal (making a comment on the Press TV website) writes: “This is the best thing that could happen to the world. A new power that will not let the ex-colonials have the big cake to themselves as usual. This could also be the right path to finally new world order that will contribute to free human being and lead mankind towards a more balanced and harmonious world.”
Quite right, Jalal.
By Prof. Rodney Shakespeare
The importance of the BRICS summit cannot be overestimated partly because it represents new countries beginning to take power and partly because it heralds a new world coming into being.”
Yes, BRIIICS, with three “I”s. That’s because to the countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (which have just held a summit in Durban, South Africa) will soon be added Iran and Indonesia.
And so will Indonesia, which has the world’s fourth largest population, a fast developing economy (around 7% per year) and, again, huge natural resources.
Already, the present BRICS have 40% of the world’s population, 30% of its land mass, and 25% of its GDP with the latter being a sharply rising figure. Other countries, like Venezuela, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia, are certain to join in.
Much more important, however, is the BRICS decision to set up a new development bank for long-term infrastructure. This is intended to rival, indeed, outclass, the Western-backed institutions. The underlying rationale is simple: the BRICS are determined to challenge Western political and economic dominance and, in particular, to break the dominance of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, which have not served the development needs of poor countries and have generally served only to put them into ever-increasing, un-repayable debt.
All of which is excellent news. The West has exploited emerging and poor countries and everywhere has been financially and militarily aggressive. Put simply, other countries are fed-up with the West: they have had enough.
The new bank, however, has more purposes than just being a development bank. American aggression, for example, is ultimately dependent upon the US dollar being the world’s reserve and main trading currency. The BRICS are going to end that by establishing a new reserve and trading currency.
Indeed, the situation can be put even more clearly. The West has long exploited and oppressed everybody that it could but now the boot, in the traditional metaphor, is on the other foot. Political power is shifting away from the West; economic power is shifting away from the West and its moral authority has almost completely disappeared (torture, assassinations, the creeping genocide of the Palestinians and the deliberate furtherance of a vicious sectarianism have seen to that).
Significantly, the BRICS are objecting to sanctions and war threats against Iran and are strongly opposed to Zionist Israel. It will not be long they declare that Israel is a pariah state.
Perhaps the most significant outcome of the BRICS summit is the proposed creation of an optic fibre cable linking all five states (with relatively easy extensions to Iran and Indonesia). Indeed, it could be that the BRICS are constructing an independent global optic fibre internet system or at least an extensive one over which they will have complete control. The BRICS are intensely aware that the USA, denying the evidence of its own sixteen intelligence agencies, is pursuing a Zionist agenda against Iran which includes excluding Iran from the SWIFT international banking system and other banking transactions. The new cable should put an end to that.
The BRICS are raising the flag of independence and are telling the West that its abuse of others has gone so far that the others are going to make their own way in life. And that will really matter because more and more Non-Aligned Movement nations will be joining the BRICS in various ways which will particularly include regional, economic, financial, military and technological agreements. An example is that China and Brazil have signed a currency swap deal under which they will be using their own currencies for half of their mutual trade i.e., the US dollar will not be involved. For a while the US dollar can be expected to remain the main trading currency – until suddenly it isn’t.
Furthermore, Africa, for example, long exploited solely for its minerals and resources with no concern for the lives of the inhabitants, is simply going to turn to those who can provide the one big thing that Africa needs – industrialisation.
The importance of the BRICS summit cannot be overestimated partly because it represents new countries beginning to take power and partly because it heralds a new world coming into being.
However, a new world is not necessarily a better world and the BRICS, becoming the BRIIICS and much more, must be careful not to incorporate, without realising, assumptions and practices stemming from corrupt old Western institutions, thinking and practices. Chief of these is thinking that it does not matter if there is huge rich-poor division. This is at the heart of corrupt Western ‘trickle-down’ economics and is a complete breach of fundamental market principle, which says that producers and consumers must be the same people i.e., real productive (and therefore consuming) power must be spread to everyone in society.
Another corrupt assumption is that interest is necessary for the spreading of real productive capacity. Interest is not necessary: it is an unnecessary tax imposed by the global financial elite merely for its own benefit. The BRIIICS must ensure that the commercial banks are controlled so that they can only lend their own money (which they can then waste, if they want to, or charge interest on it). But the main money supply, for the spreading of the real economy, must stem, interest-free, from the national bank (although it may be administered by the commercial banks making only a fair administration charge).
Jalal (making a comment on the Press TV website) writes: “This is the best thing that could happen to the world. A new power that will not let the ex-colonials have the big cake to themselves as usual. This could also be the right path to finally new world order that will contribute to free human being and lead mankind towards a more balanced and harmonious world.”
Quite right, Jalal.
Prof. Rodney Shakespeare is a visiting Professor of Binary Economics at Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia. He is a Cambridge MA, a qualified UK Barrister, a co-founder of the Global Justice Movement, a member of the Christian Council for Monetary Justice. His main website is Shakespeare is also Chair of the Committee Against Torture in Bahrain. More articles by Rodney Shakespeare
GAIAPORTAL: Higher Dimensional Sails are being Unfurled…
Quelled energetics in lower dimensions lead to refueling of Gaia inhabitants. Sensations of these energetics are noted, yet these are temporary.
Higher Dimensional sails are being unfurled in all Hue-manity. Even non-aware ones feel the unfurling.
This unfurling leads to Higher Awareness in the non-awares.
Step stones these are for Hue-manity unfoldment, and are best embraced and utilized, rather than resisted.
“Joy paradigm” alignment empowers all during this moment of unfurlment.
Quelled energetics in lower dimensions lead to refueling of Gaia inhabitants. Sensations of these energetics are noted, yet these are temporary.
Higher Dimensional sails are being unfurled in all Hue-manity. Even non-aware ones feel the unfurling.
This unfurling leads to Higher Awareness in the non-awares.
Step stones these are for Hue-manity unfoldment, and are best embraced and utilized, rather than resisted.
“Joy paradigm” alignment empowers all during this moment of unfurlment.
The White House responds to the creepy alien body guards conspiracy
On March 4th, Obama's secret alien security team skeeved out the planet. While addressing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a shapeshifter alien humanoid was caught on tape slithering about the group, keeping its two soulless eyes on the crowd. It was terrifying, and sent the conspiracy theorists all a twitter. There's an alien working for the President! Obama must come clean about his ties to the shapeshifting alien race he's been secretly employing for security purposes!
Thank goodness for Wired's Danger Room, who had the steely reserve to question National Security Council chief spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said something interesting:
The White House dismissed the alien bodyguards as too costly in this era of budgetary austerity. “I can’t confirm the claims made in this video, but any alleged program to guard the president with aliens or robots would likely have to be scaled back or eliminated in the sequester,” Caitlin Hayden, the chief spokeswoman for the National Security Council, e-mails Danger Room. “I’d refer you to the Secret Service or Area 51 for more details.”
THAT'S NOT A DENIAL! Here's the full video breakdown by a robotic voice for your viewing pleasure. You decide, are we all just puppets of some secret alien conspiracy?
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
On The Vipassana Trail, A Journey Within
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Artwork by Markus Meier |
by Carolyn O'Donnell
In Goa four years ago, an Indian with a shaved head first told me about Vipassana. Clutching a vodka tonic and a cigarette, he talked enthusiastically about his annual 10-day retreat of silence and meditation. He was a bit vague as to the meaning it had for his spiritual and mental development -- I think he was in a hurry to get to a nightclub.
The idea stayed with me though, and in India last year I met people without vodka tonics and cigarettes who also urged me to do Vipassana, saying they really felt the benefits. It certainly seemed to bond people. Enrol in a course run by they urged, and eventually I did, in Penang, Malaysia, early in 2013.
The course they recommended was the technique taught by SN Goenka. These courses are open to anyone, with centers all over the world. There is no charge -- students pay what they can afford to donate, or you can volunteer to serve on another course.
Vipassana means "seeing things as they really are." One of India's most ancient meditation techniques, it was lost, then rediscovered by Gautama Buddha more than 2,500 years ago. After a few centuries it was lost again, to survive only in Myanmar (Burma) where Goenka, an Indian businessman, learnt the technique and brought it back to India.
Learning this method begins with sitting cross-legged and observing the breath. Awareness is sharpened and then the student begins to observe the changing nature of body and mind, experiencing the "universal truth" of impermanence. According to the literature, "Vipassana eliminates the three causes of all unhappiness: craving, aversion and ignorance."
In its highest forms, Vipassana aims for spiritual goals of "total liberation and full enlightenment." Naturally, this requires some effort. Our daily program encompassed rising at 4 a.m., consuming our two vegetarian meals by noon, with a tea break and maybe a little fruit in the afternoon, along with 10 hours of a meditation practice and instruction a day.
No phones, no internet, no talking and endless meditation. It's not everyone's idea of a vacation, and it's not a holiday. It is though an opportunity for what I call a detox of the brain. Without TV and internet you realize how much junk is floating around in your mind.
A retreat like this clears out the consciousness, like a health farm detox might clear out the large intestine. (As you are eating plenty of vegetables, mostly the physical self motors along quite nicely.) Vipassana works by "eroding conditioned responses." But it's not all serious. Goenka smiles a lot, and urged us to "be happy in all situations."
Sila, or moral conduct, is a foundation of the practice. New students must abstain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and abstain from all intoxicants (alcohol, drugs, tobacco), while observing Noble Silence.
At the course I did in Penang we had a teacher, but by using recordings and DVDs we followed the course as if Goenka, now almost 90, were teaching it himself. His recordings started the meditation sessions, we followed his instructions and in the evening there was "discourse," or a lecture from Goenka where he reviewed the day and told stories to illustrate principles we needed to understand.
I thought I wasn't new to Vipassana, as three years ago I did a 10-day course at a monastery outside Chiang Mai in northern Thailand. At Wat Ram Poeng they offer Vipassana, or the "insight meditation technique" for mental development and "to prepare a path to a better, peaceful life through clear understanding about oneself" irrespective of religion. It is open to anyone and payment again is by donation, though it may be necessary to pay to borrow some white clothing.
As the Abbott said to us: "It is hard ... we are all dirty inside and we need a clean. We must learn to live in the moment and learn to observe." Eat less, sleep less, talk less and make more effort, was the general directive. It was rewarding: With my mind purged of 40 kinds of crap, I thought about things that had been buried for years, I learnt I could meditate for 10 hours a day, and I developed some minor mastery over the emotions.
Staying in a monastery was interesting too, especially taking part in a procession for Buddha's birthday and helping to clean up after a colossal thunderstorm while the monks zipped around with chainsaws. A Chinese monk, a former racing car driver who knew what it was to feel like an outsider, was assigned to make sure we were OK.
But apparently it wasn't true Vipassana. As Goenka explained in one of his nightly lectures, the technique disappeared everywhere except in Burma. Having spent a month there and visited the Shwedagon Pagoda, said to the oldest in the world and one of the great Buddhist pilgrimage sites, I recognized how important Buddhism is to the Burmese.
It is important to note that the course uses the teachings of Buddha, but is not about becoming Buddhist. Even at the monastery, the emphasis was on meditation -- your own inner journey -- rather than Buddhism.
Goenka explained that the mental habit of reaction, sankhara, is one of the causes of suffering, as craving or aversion leads to attachment. Part of the technique is monitoring sensations in the body without reaction which has a purifying effect. Vipassana is taught as a practical way of alleviating misery, that can become the basis of an "art of living."
Anyone hoping to take either course is emailed a thorough description of what is expected. In Malaysia, instead of having my own room and bathroom as I did in Thailand, I stayed in a dormitory with 15 other people, which manifested its own challenges, as I'll describe in part two of this story.
Organizers say the 10-day course is the minimum -- it provides an essential introduction and foundation for the technique, which can take a lifetime to perfect. It's not a quick fix, and I was probably not a particularly good student. But while as I'm not as disciplined as I would like to be with meditating, I do feel calmer and more focused when I do it.
A Vipassana course is travel of a very personal kind, as it is above all a journey with the self, which may or may not involve conventional travel. If you love travel of all types, you can, as I did, combine both.
Read on for part two of my experience.
Follow Carolyn O'Donnell on Twitter:
Theme of “Next Level” Missions… “Joy Within"
by ÉirePort
Exceeding expectations embodied by the mass of humanity (small h), individual Hue-mans complete initial missions with Gaia and prepare for "next level" missions.
The theme of such "next level" missions is "Joy Within". All movements are best viewed from the basis of this theme. Gaia is fulfilled by the movements in Joy at this time... In this moment.
Facile movement, Intra-Gaia, Inter-Planetary, Inter-Galactic, Intra-Dimensional, Inter-Dimensional, is now fully supported by the "Joy Within" paradigm.
Gaia Brilliance and Illumination is now fully supported by the "Joy Within" paradigm.
ÉirePort | March 27, 2013 at 00:18
1. (esp. of a theory or argument) Appearing neat and comprehensive by ignoring the complexities of an issue; superficial.
2. (of a person) Having a superficial or simplistic knowledge or approach.
Exceeding expectations embodied by the mass of humanity (small h), individual Hue-mans complete initial missions with Gaia and prepare for "next level" missions.
The theme of such "next level" missions is "Joy Within". All movements are best viewed from the basis of this theme. Gaia is fulfilled by the movements in Joy at this time... In this moment.
Facile movement, Intra-Gaia, Inter-Planetary, Inter-Galactic, Intra-Dimensional, Inter-Dimensional, is now fully supported by the "Joy Within" paradigm.
Gaia Brilliance and Illumination is now fully supported by the "Joy Within" paradigm.
ÉirePort | March 27, 2013 at 00:18
1. (esp. of a theory or argument) Appearing neat and comprehensive by ignoring the complexities of an issue; superficial.
2. (of a person) Having a superficial or simplistic knowledge or approach.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Introduction to the Free Energy Revolution
By Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Usually, when people hear the term “free energy,” they conjure images of perpetual motion machines that work kind of like lifting yourself up by your own bootstraps — in other words, it’s a silly idea that will never come true except in dreams and movies.
However, when we here at Pure Energy Systems Network ( talk about “free energy”, what we are thinking of is systems that harvest energy that nature gives us, free for the taking.
Solar is free energy. You don’t have to pay for the sun’s energy that beams down on us day after day. Wind is free energy. So is geothermal, wave, tide, ocean currents, hydro. It’s just a matter of putting a “turbine”, so to speak, at the right spot, and viola, free energy.
The devices are not free, but the energy source is free. The idea, then, is to innovate ways of capturing that energy efficiently, cost-effectively, reliably, and with as little impact on the environment as possible.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that “free energy” is just another way of describing these conventional clean energy technologies just mentioned.
The reason I mention these is to make the case that harvesting “free energy” is not magic. It’s just a matter of being open to a possibility and making that come to fruition.
There are plenty of maverick or exotic “free energy” genres that will raise the dander of a college professor who will quickly rebuke it as being “impossible” or in violation of the laws of physics — the very same laws that have been under constant revision since man began talking. Remember, science said human flight was impossible.
I think the main reason these other genres get classified as “junk science” has nothing to do with science, but politics and power, as in corrupt people making stupid rules to keep competing interests from making them obsolete.
For as long as we are dependent on the grid and the powers that be, then they can lord over us and treat us like slaves.
For not only are these “exotic” genres of free energy clean, most of them are also not only affordable but could be much cheaper than the present power sources. So adopting them doesn’t just make ecological sense, it makes economic sense — a no-brainer.
It truly is “power to the people” in a very literal sense.
What is amazing is that there are just as many “exotic” free energy genres as there are “conventional”. By my count, there are 25 of each; and I’m talking entire motifs. So there isn’t just one fringe idea that is emerging. There are 25 entire exotic fields of study with devices showing various stages of proof and readiness for implementation.
At you can see my listing of those exotic free energy technologies and groups that are most likely to make it to market the soonest.
You’ll see things like overunity electromagnetic phenomenon, all-magnet motors, cold fusion (more accurately called Low Energy Nuclear Reactions — LENR, referring to the diminished input compared to that normally thought to be required to instigate nuclear phenomena; and many of these are safe, in terms of radiation or run-away reactions).
Imagine being able to put a small generator in your basement that powers your house, or in your electric car that enables you to drive without stopping to re-charge, or in your portable electronics so you never have to plug them in, or in your appliances so they don’t need a cord. Imagine a heater that doesn’t have a cord and doesn’t require fuel. All these things are coming.
How soon is up to use as a civilization. Are we going to have to collapse before we wake up to the problems of how we are doing things now, or are we going to wake up before we crash, and change our course before we drop that far?
This field of exotic free energy tracking is not for the faint of heart. You have to be willing to put up with ridicule, which is a primary tool used against anything that seriously challenges the status quo. You have to be willing to put up with the disappointment of things taking longer, costing more than expected. And you have to be able to get over the disappointment of things that end up being bogus or fraudulent. And probably the hardest thing is putting up with the rough interactions from the mavericks in this sector. They are not polished personalities but are quick to hand out barbs instead of honey. The problem of interpersonal conflicts is far greater a barrier than any external suppression attempts.
Speaking of suppression, that is greatly overblown. Yes, it happens. However, I am of the conviction that bullies get their power through fear. If we have no fear, they have no power. And perfect love casts out all fear. So really, the antidote has a lot more to do with high consciousness than anything else.
This revolution toward a sustainable, peaceful, abundant, responsible, peaceful future is about enlightenment and courage more than it is about technology, though free energy technology is poised to be a huge part of this metamorphosis.
There are many ways you can get involved. Follow your heart and your mind, in a yin-yang balance.
Pure Energy Systems News
Usually, when people hear the term “free energy,” they conjure images of perpetual motion machines that work kind of like lifting yourself up by your own bootstraps — in other words, it’s a silly idea that will never come true except in dreams and movies.
However, when we here at Pure Energy Systems Network ( talk about “free energy”, what we are thinking of is systems that harvest energy that nature gives us, free for the taking.
Solar is free energy. You don’t have to pay for the sun’s energy that beams down on us day after day. Wind is free energy. So is geothermal, wave, tide, ocean currents, hydro. It’s just a matter of putting a “turbine”, so to speak, at the right spot, and viola, free energy.
The devices are not free, but the energy source is free. The idea, then, is to innovate ways of capturing that energy efficiently, cost-effectively, reliably, and with as little impact on the environment as possible.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that “free energy” is just another way of describing these conventional clean energy technologies just mentioned.
The reason I mention these is to make the case that harvesting “free energy” is not magic. It’s just a matter of being open to a possibility and making that come to fruition.
There are plenty of maverick or exotic “free energy” genres that will raise the dander of a college professor who will quickly rebuke it as being “impossible” or in violation of the laws of physics — the very same laws that have been under constant revision since man began talking. Remember, science said human flight was impossible.
I think the main reason these other genres get classified as “junk science” has nothing to do with science, but politics and power, as in corrupt people making stupid rules to keep competing interests from making them obsolete.
For as long as we are dependent on the grid and the powers that be, then they can lord over us and treat us like slaves.
For not only are these “exotic” genres of free energy clean, most of them are also not only affordable but could be much cheaper than the present power sources. So adopting them doesn’t just make ecological sense, it makes economic sense — a no-brainer.
It truly is “power to the people” in a very literal sense.
What is amazing is that there are just as many “exotic” free energy genres as there are “conventional”. By my count, there are 25 of each; and I’m talking entire motifs. So there isn’t just one fringe idea that is emerging. There are 25 entire exotic fields of study with devices showing various stages of proof and readiness for implementation.
At you can see my listing of those exotic free energy technologies and groups that are most likely to make it to market the soonest.
You’ll see things like overunity electromagnetic phenomenon, all-magnet motors, cold fusion (more accurately called Low Energy Nuclear Reactions — LENR, referring to the diminished input compared to that normally thought to be required to instigate nuclear phenomena; and many of these are safe, in terms of radiation or run-away reactions).
Imagine being able to put a small generator in your basement that powers your house, or in your electric car that enables you to drive without stopping to re-charge, or in your portable electronics so you never have to plug them in, or in your appliances so they don’t need a cord. Imagine a heater that doesn’t have a cord and doesn’t require fuel. All these things are coming.
How soon is up to use as a civilization. Are we going to have to collapse before we wake up to the problems of how we are doing things now, or are we going to wake up before we crash, and change our course before we drop that far?
This field of exotic free energy tracking is not for the faint of heart. You have to be willing to put up with ridicule, which is a primary tool used against anything that seriously challenges the status quo. You have to be willing to put up with the disappointment of things taking longer, costing more than expected. And you have to be able to get over the disappointment of things that end up being bogus or fraudulent. And probably the hardest thing is putting up with the rough interactions from the mavericks in this sector. They are not polished personalities but are quick to hand out barbs instead of honey. The problem of interpersonal conflicts is far greater a barrier than any external suppression attempts.
Speaking of suppression, that is greatly overblown. Yes, it happens. However, I am of the conviction that bullies get their power through fear. If we have no fear, they have no power. And perfect love casts out all fear. So really, the antidote has a lot more to do with high consciousness than anything else.
This revolution toward a sustainable, peaceful, abundant, responsible, peaceful future is about enlightenment and courage more than it is about technology, though free energy technology is poised to be a huge part of this metamorphosis.
There are many ways you can get involved. Follow your heart and your mind, in a yin-yang balance.
Under Construction: BRICS the stage to build multi-polar world
Published time: March 26, 2013 03:53
The BRICS, the group of fast-growing emerging markets, are to meet for the first time on African soil in the South African city of Durban. At their fifth summit, they are to discuss the setup of a development bank to overhaul the global financial system.
The umbrella theme for the two-day summit is called “BRICS and Africa - Partnership for integration and Industrialization." The summit will have all members of the club present, including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa and 15 African Heads of States and Governments.
The BRICS bloc of states is now an economic giant representing about 40 percent of the world's population. It also holds an estimated USD 4.4 trillion of foreign reserves and is responsible for a fifth of global gross domestic product. It has also shown substantial, steady economic growth with 2012 figures boasting an overall 4 percent GDP growth compared to 0.7 percent for the G7 nations.
The summit in South Africa will be attended by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Leaders of the African Union and other heads of African nations are also expected to participate in the event.
Egypt has also expressed hope of joining the club. "I am hoping BRICS would one day become E-BRICS where E stands for Egypt," Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi told India's The Hindu in an interview last week.
On the table
The major outcome of this year’s summit is expected to be the announcement of the formation of the BRICS Development Bank (BDB). Originally proposed as an institution at last year’s New Delhi summit, the organization’s “strategic goal is to transform the aging international financial architecture,” Mikhail Margelov, President Putin’s envoy to Africa was quoted by Bloomberg.
The aims of the bank would include funding development projects in the developing world, lending sums in time of need during such as the Eurozone crisis, and issuing convertible debt, which could be bought by the central banks of all the member countries.
With 17 percent of world trade volume, the creation of a development bank is a bid to establish greater influence in world financial institutions to match the bloc’s rising economic power.
A feasibility study on the construction of the DBD recommends setting up the headquarters at the bank in Moscow and allocating a capital of $50 billion.
Last year the bloc strengthened its economic clout by agreeing to conduct trade among fellow members in local currencies as opposed to the dollar.
In this regard, Russian experts suggested creating a Bank for International Settlements, to protect the BRICS economies from sharp fluctuations of the dollar and "currency wars." It also called for the creation of an anti-crisis fund of $240 billion.
Key to multi-polar world
Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin voiced a belief that the BRICS group will turn into “a full-scale strategic cooperation mechanism” and become more involved in global politics.
There is a trend with the group of five to see eye to eye on a broad spectrum of international issues including commitment of international law and the United Nation, as well sharing a general approach to the major issues including of the Syrian crisis, Iran and Middle East settlement. The views shared by partners often contradict the general approach adopted by the West.
One vivid example being many BRICS countries stance on Syria, opposing foreign intervention and accuse the West of forcing regime change. Russia, China and South Africa have vetoed U.N. Security Council resolutions on Syria.
"Definitely, Russia and China are the central pillars of the BRICS," professor Shreeram Chaulia told RT, adding that "Russia and China are much more global in their overall approach towards the world order and trying to transform the world order…towards multi-polarity."
During the Durban summit, Russia will seek to “invite our partners to gradually transform BRICS from a dialogue forum that coordinates approaches to a limited number of issues into a full-scale strategic cooperation mechanism that will allow us to look for solutions to key issues of global politics together,”President Putin said in an interview to the ITAR-TASS last week.
“We need to create multi-polarity. Multi-polarity is a political project. The economic vehicles, I see them as means for a achieving a political goal and end point, which is to create a more just and equitable world order,” Chaulia argues.
In the “Concept of participation of the Russian Federation in BRICS” published on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website, Moscow views the bloc to be a “key long-term foreign policy vector.”
Russia advocates drafting a long-term “BRICS development strategy” and launching “a dialogue on ways, pace and concrete forms of possible institutionalization of BRICS”, including the establishment of a “permanent secretariat”.
“Russia and China together – it makes a fabulous combination because these two societies are emerging in a way of leading the pack in terms of the political agenda of this organization,”Chaulia says.
Published time: March 26, 2013 03:53
The BRICS, the group of fast-growing emerging markets, are to meet for the first time on African soil in the South African city of Durban. At their fifth summit, they are to discuss the setup of a development bank to overhaul the global financial system.
The umbrella theme for the two-day summit is called “BRICS and Africa - Partnership for integration and Industrialization." The summit will have all members of the club present, including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa and 15 African Heads of States and Governments.
The BRICS bloc of states is now an economic giant representing about 40 percent of the world's population. It also holds an estimated USD 4.4 trillion of foreign reserves and is responsible for a fifth of global gross domestic product. It has also shown substantial, steady economic growth with 2012 figures boasting an overall 4 percent GDP growth compared to 0.7 percent for the G7 nations.
The summit in South Africa will be attended by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Leaders of the African Union and other heads of African nations are also expected to participate in the event.
Egypt has also expressed hope of joining the club. "I am hoping BRICS would one day become E-BRICS where E stands for Egypt," Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi told India's The Hindu in an interview last week.
On the table
The major outcome of this year’s summit is expected to be the announcement of the formation of the BRICS Development Bank (BDB). Originally proposed as an institution at last year’s New Delhi summit, the organization’s “strategic goal is to transform the aging international financial architecture,” Mikhail Margelov, President Putin’s envoy to Africa was quoted by Bloomberg.
The aims of the bank would include funding development projects in the developing world, lending sums in time of need during such as the Eurozone crisis, and issuing convertible debt, which could be bought by the central banks of all the member countries.
With 17 percent of world trade volume, the creation of a development bank is a bid to establish greater influence in world financial institutions to match the bloc’s rising economic power.
A feasibility study on the construction of the DBD recommends setting up the headquarters at the bank in Moscow and allocating a capital of $50 billion.
Last year the bloc strengthened its economic clout by agreeing to conduct trade among fellow members in local currencies as opposed to the dollar.
In this regard, Russian experts suggested creating a Bank for International Settlements, to protect the BRICS economies from sharp fluctuations of the dollar and "currency wars." It also called for the creation of an anti-crisis fund of $240 billion.
Key to multi-polar world
Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin voiced a belief that the BRICS group will turn into “a full-scale strategic cooperation mechanism” and become more involved in global politics.
There is a trend with the group of five to see eye to eye on a broad spectrum of international issues including commitment of international law and the United Nation, as well sharing a general approach to the major issues including of the Syrian crisis, Iran and Middle East settlement. The views shared by partners often contradict the general approach adopted by the West.
One vivid example being many BRICS countries stance on Syria, opposing foreign intervention and accuse the West of forcing regime change. Russia, China and South Africa have vetoed U.N. Security Council resolutions on Syria.
"Definitely, Russia and China are the central pillars of the BRICS," professor Shreeram Chaulia told RT, adding that "Russia and China are much more global in their overall approach towards the world order and trying to transform the world order…towards multi-polarity."
During the Durban summit, Russia will seek to “invite our partners to gradually transform BRICS from a dialogue forum that coordinates approaches to a limited number of issues into a full-scale strategic cooperation mechanism that will allow us to look for solutions to key issues of global politics together,”President Putin said in an interview to the ITAR-TASS last week.
“We need to create multi-polarity. Multi-polarity is a political project. The economic vehicles, I see them as means for a achieving a political goal and end point, which is to create a more just and equitable world order,” Chaulia argues.
In the “Concept of participation of the Russian Federation in BRICS” published on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website, Moscow views the bloc to be a “key long-term foreign policy vector.”
Russia advocates drafting a long-term “BRICS development strategy” and launching “a dialogue on ways, pace and concrete forms of possible institutionalization of BRICS”, including the establishment of a “permanent secretariat”.
“Russia and China together – it makes a fabulous combination because these two societies are emerging in a way of leading the pack in terms of the political agenda of this organization,”Chaulia says.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Soft Disclosure? Austrailian TV show Interviews Charles Hall: US Military Worked with Extraterrestrials
Dr. Charles Hall says he spent two years working with extraterrestrial beings during his time with the US. military. He enlisted in the Airforce in July of 1964 as a weather observer. He was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base and the Indian Springs gunnery ranges outside Las Vegas, followed by a year in Vietnam. While stationed there, Charles claims to have discovered a base that the US Airforce maintained for a group of extraterrestrials who were tall and white. Here is a link with more information about his experience:
"...Meanwhile, a number of encounters known in the "UFO" field are with entities that can look quite human - so much so that a deep connection simply has to exist. The present case is one of these. (See Appendix 2.)""Hall has described these beings as tall - ranging upwards of 6-7 feet in height - and quite thin and frail. The skin color is chalk white. They are physically different from us in several noticeable ways, yet the most important physical aspect is that they are humanoid, a fact that is filled with significance..."
Possible depiction of a "tall white"
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure – April 29 to May 3, 2013 – Washington, DC
An event with historical implications will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from April 29 to May 3, 2013. At that time as many as forty researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.
For this reason the motto for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is "If the Congress will not do its job, the people will."
This event will be live streamed to the world via the Internet in at least four and possibly five languages. Furthermore, the entire hearing will be filmed as the basis for a forthcoming documentary - Truth Embargo.
The title of this film is fitting as the goal of the Citizen Hearing is nothing less than the end of the extraterrestrial truth embargo this year. The world's people have waited long enough.
Over the coming weeks this site will develop rapidly with new information added daily. Check back often for updates.
This video provides more of the details. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will bring 40 researchers and government/agency witnesses to Washington, DC to testify before former members of the U. S. Congress on events and evidence supporting the truth of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and a government policy to embargo that truth.
Also available in: Japanese Hungarian
Time lapse footage provided by "Earth Time lapse, Amazon HD" and NASA.
An event with historical implications will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from April 29 to May 3, 2013. At that time as many as forty researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.
For this reason the motto for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is "If the Congress will not do its job, the people will."
This event will be live streamed to the world via the Internet in at least four and possibly five languages. Furthermore, the entire hearing will be filmed as the basis for a forthcoming documentary - Truth Embargo.
The title of this film is fitting as the goal of the Citizen Hearing is nothing less than the end of the extraterrestrial truth embargo this year. The world's people have waited long enough.
Over the coming weeks this site will develop rapidly with new information added daily. Check back often for updates.
This video, which provides a conceptual frame for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, is available in the following languages: Japanese Chinese French German Spanish
This video provides more of the details. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will bring 40 researchers and government/agency witnesses to Washington, DC to testify before former members of the U. S. Congress on events and evidence supporting the truth of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and a government policy to embargo that truth.
Also available in: Japanese Hungarian
Time lapse footage provided by "Earth Time lapse, Amazon HD" and NASA.
Ending the Truth Embargo,
Sunday, March 24, 2013
British Queen urged to relinquish power because of ill health
The Queen should think about abdicating, Lord Prescott has suggested.
The former Labour deputy Prime Minister said he wanted to pass on concerns from a friend that, at the age of 86, the Monarch was “overburdening” herself and was risking her health by continuing on the throne.
He added that the Queen herself had confessed privately that she was unsure of her own health after her recent illness which left her in hospital.
Lord Prescott, who is a member of the Privy Council which advises the Queen, said: “Even her doctors seem baffled by her illness, with the Queen reportedly telling Kamalesh Sharma, the Commonwealth Secretary General: ‘They’re not sure what’s the matter with me’.”
Writing in the Sunday Mirror, Lord Prescott said that a "straight-talkingYorkie" friend had told him of "his concern ... that the Queen, who is 87 next month, is overburdening herself.
“He felt she had done a remarkable job over her 60 years on the throne but was increasingly concerned at recent cancellations of public duties because of her ongoing ill health.“My friend noted the monarch would be delivering her 61st Queen’s Speech in May, where she’ll announce her future trips abroad, on top of her many other public duties.
“So he asked me, as a Privy Councillor, to tell her that he didn’t expect her to see out her royal duties as the Queen. She deserves a break and he wouldn’t think less of her if she stepped down.”
Lord Prescott added: “The point is important as we’ll all become more concerned for the heavy load she continues to carry as Head of State.
“She has given wise counsel to 12 Prime Ministers, from Churchill to Cameron, and has made her mark on the country she loves.
"I’m not sure whether the Queen reads the Sunday Mirror, or indeed my column. But if you do, Ma’am, I thought I’d pass on my friend’s concern.
“He feels you have done so much for the UK and the Commonwealth that you deserve to break convention and consider enjoying a long and fulfilling retirement.”
However Tory MPs said the Queen should ignore Lord Prescott’s advice. Mark Field MP said: “I think it is inappropriate for anyone in politics to speculate on the Monarch’s health.
"What is clear is that she is very capable of handling a very big schedule. “Under no circumstances will we see the Queen abdicate. It would undermine the very principle of monarchy. She continues to do a fantastic job.”
George Freeman MP said: “God save us. Never has this poor nation been more in need of the Queen’s quiet and understated wisdom, leadership and tireless public duty.
“After a decade of Blair and Prescott’s ‘get rich quick’ cronyism, Her Majesty The Queen’s reign is one of the few things in Britain the public still trust and have confidence in. May she long reign over us.”
Conor Burns MP added: “John Prescott is the antithesis of the Queen. She is a model of selfless public service and duty. He is frittering away any last vestiges of dignity his career had with these sort of pig ignorant comments. Luckily for Her subjects I'm sure the Queen will ignore his silly advice.”
Robert Buckland MP added: “Lord Prescott fails to remember that the Queen took an oath to serve for the rest of her life.
“It was an abdication that put her in direct line to theThrone, so I do not think that this is viewed by her as an option. Stop speculating and let her get on with the job.”
Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg said: "The Queen is anointed our Sovereign for life. It is a vocation not a job. Lord Prescott should remember his oath as a Privy Counsellor and as a peer."
The Queen said on her 21st birthday that she regarded ruling Britain as a job for life. Buckingham Palace declined to comment this morning.
Poofness 3-17-13…”Slight delay of the finish”
Greetings and Salutations;
Most of what I have to say, is in the song. It really is the end and activity has already begun. Some must have lost their minds to defy the treasury sec, as if they had a choice. The trick is the only choice they had was a new cell to sit in, when they were caught with their pants down around their ankles. The old grey mare ain’t what she used to be, fellas. That greed will get you every time. It’s a vice that will no longer be permitted. There are a bunch of folks sitting at home with ankle bracelets as the finality arrives. The rest will be hustled off to undisclosed locations at the final moment. Don’t be shocked when the announcements begin, truth can be a real humdinger, and some won’t even believe the evidence when it’s put at the end of their noses. This will be the real ‘shock and awe’. The ripping down of the ‘Lie’ curtain is happening folks, for the whole world. Not a hole left to hide in. The C is in the atmosphere now and that’s why there’s all this insanity is happening. The pope got it and signed off straight away.
Love and Kisses,
Poofness []
"The Battle Of Evermore"
Queen of Light took her bow, And then she turned to go,
The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom, And walked the night alone.
Oh, dance in the dark of night, Sing to the morning light.
The dark Lord rides in force tonight, And time will tell us all.
Oh, throw down your plow and hoe, Rest not to lock your homes.
Side by side we wait the might of the darkest of them all.
I hear the horses' thunder down in the valley bElow,
I'm waiting for the angels of Avalon, waiting for the eastern glow.
The apples of the valley hold, The seeds of happiness,
The ground is rich from tender care, Repay, do not forget, no, no.
Dance in the dark of night, sing to the morning light.
The apples turn to brown and black, The tyrant's face is red.
Oh war is the common cry, Pick up your swords and fly.
The sky is filled with good and bad that mortals never know.
Oh, well, the night is long the beads of time pass slow,
Tired eyes on the sunrise, waiting for the eastern glow.
The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath,
The drums will shake the castle wall, the ring wraiths ride in black, Ride on.
Sing as you raise your bow, shoot straighter than before.
No comfort has the fire at night that lights the face so cold.
Oh dance in the dark of night, Sing to the morning light.
The magic runes are writ in gold to bring the balance back. Bring it back.
At last the sun is shining, The clouds of blue roll by,
With flames from the dragon of darkness, the sunlight blinds his eyes.
The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom, And walked the night alone.
Oh, dance in the dark of night, Sing to the morning light.
The dark Lord rides in force tonight, And time will tell us all.
Oh, throw down your plow and hoe, Rest not to lock your homes.
Side by side we wait the might of the darkest of them all.
I hear the horses' thunder down in the valley bElow,
I'm waiting for the angels of Avalon, waiting for the eastern glow.
The apples of the valley hold, The seeds of happiness,
The ground is rich from tender care, Repay, do not forget, no, no.
Dance in the dark of night, sing to the morning light.
The apples turn to brown and black, The tyrant's face is red.
Oh war is the common cry, Pick up your swords and fly.
The sky is filled with good and bad that mortals never know.
Oh, well, the night is long the beads of time pass slow,
Tired eyes on the sunrise, waiting for the eastern glow.
The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath,
The drums will shake the castle wall, the ring wraiths ride in black, Ride on.
Sing as you raise your bow, shoot straighter than before.
No comfort has the fire at night that lights the face so cold.
Oh dance in the dark of night, Sing to the morning light.
The magic runes are writ in gold to bring the balance back. Bring it back.
At last the sun is shining, The clouds of blue roll by,
With flames from the dragon of darkness, the sunlight blinds his eyes.
GaiaPortal: Movements Within and Without Called For with Light Station Stewards
Movements both within and without are called for within Light Station stewards. Such Stations are manifested in harmony with energy signatures of each steward and the location and intention for each Light Station.
Releasing of engraved patterns in such stewards and all Hue-manity is essential for next steps in the energetic upgrade of Gaia. These pathways have yet to be traversed, and request the full flexibility of those involved.
We recommend savoring the energies of these moments.
Releasing of engraved patterns in such stewards and all Hue-manity is essential for next steps in the energetic upgrade of Gaia. These pathways have yet to be traversed, and request the full flexibility of those involved.
We recommend savoring the energies of these moments.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Reports: Meteor Spotted Over DC, New York, New England
People who spotted the apparent meteor described it as a bright, colorful object streaking across the night sky.
Twitter was abuzz Friday night with reports of a large, bright meteor streaking across the night sky over the Eastern Seaboard.
Several readers told NBC4 that they spotted the meteor just before 8 p.m. Friday.
Twitter user Brenton Laverty characterized it as a huge, green meteor burning up over DC.
Another user from Montgomery County, PA—E. Steven Collins—described the object as "Bright. Orange. Blue. White. Silver. Totally streaking by the sky light! Wow!"
According to several outlets, the object may have qualified as a fireball, defined by the American Meteor Society as a "very bright meteor, generally brighter than magnitude -4, which is about the same magnitude of the planet Venus in the morning or evening sky."
Patch will have more information on Friday's sighting as it becomes available.
Did you spot the bright object in the sky Friday night from Bethesda? What did it look like? Let us know in the comments, and feel free to upload any images of the object to Patch.
Twitter was abuzz Friday night with reports of a large, bright meteor streaking across the night sky over the Eastern Seaboard.
Several readers told NBC4 that they spotted the meteor just before 8 p.m. Friday.
Twitter user Brenton Laverty characterized it as a huge, green meteor burning up over DC.
Another user from Montgomery County, PA—E. Steven Collins—described the object as "Bright. Orange. Blue. White. Silver. Totally streaking by the sky light! Wow!"
According to several outlets, the object may have qualified as a fireball, defined by the American Meteor Society as a "very bright meteor, generally brighter than magnitude -4, which is about the same magnitude of the planet Venus in the morning or evening sky."
Patch will have more information on Friday's sighting as it becomes available.
Did you spot the bright object in the sky Friday night from Bethesda? What did it look like? Let us know in the comments, and feel free to upload any images of the object to Patch.
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