Monday, March 4, 2013

OPPT: Our Founding Document – Will Paul Revere Ride Once More?

"The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere" - Part 2

In this part 2 of The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, The Principles of the Declaration of Independence are explained to some degree, and maybe you don’t agree with this assessment of our founding document, but it comes pretty close.

Sam Davis

The principles of the Declaration of Independence can be found specifically in the first and last paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence.

The last paragraph is where the power is truly expressed. Below is a breakdown line by line with some further clarification of the meaning behind each major point.

When in the Course of human events, 1 it becomes necessary for one people 2 to dissolve the political bands 3 which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, 4 the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, 5 a decent respect 6 to the opinions of mankind 7 requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. 8

We hold these truths to be self-evident, 9 that all men are created equal, 10 that they are endowed by their Creator 11 with certain unalienable Rights, 12 that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 13 That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.14

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, 15 appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world 16 for the rectitude of our intentions, 17 do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People 18of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. 19

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, 20 we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. 21

1) (this includes every person on the planet)

2) (does not define gender, color, religion or where you came from )

3) (political bands include your family structure, from there all other political issues are founded and formed)

4) (we are talking directly of source and creation)

5) (the context of the men during the times in which they wrote this. They were under subject status as property to the crowns of Europe, and the crowns of Europe were subject property to the Vatican, the pope. This declaration was a poke in the eye of the pope and it made it stick it’s the only thing that ever did)

6) (so we recognize everyone can stand under these principles and in order to have respect I must give it first)

7) (everyone has an opinion of some sort, so we are addressing them with the same kind of respect that we demand)

8) (we are telling the whole world that we are separate from them and here’s why, we are giving you notice)

9) (in other words any human can look within himself and agree or disagree)

10) (doesn’t define who the creator is, doesn’t give a name or a religion it says created… neutral)

11) ( Capital C is for any form you’d like to call it: God, Jesus, Buddha, etc.)

12) (the word is Un-a-lien-able, not lien able)

13) (the original text also included the words property)

14) (who gives the power to the government????? We do! The governed)

15) (we get together and discuss things in an open dialogue)

16) (now they are referring to creation)

17) (we are saying that we are speaking directly from creation because we have a personal relationship and we are obligated to our own integrity there personally and individually)

18) (they spoke for everyone on the soil, they spoke in our authority, not their authority, they are not overpowering anyone, its not male its not female, or black, white, or French)

19) (you are not a state, a state is a political body, they are saying that this independent political body now exists because we as a group declared it by our consent)

20) (divine providence is my personal relationship with creation)

21) (this is the ultimate way of standing up to the man)

The same principles in the Declaration of Independence can also be found in the Articles of Confederation, North West Ordinance, and in each states constitution for example; New York’s First Constitution.

So what is this really saying? What are these principles?

-The One People spoken of in the Declaration of 1776 includes all people under creation. The Public Trust created under the Declaration of 1776 is a very simple concept (stated in elegant simplicity) and open for any One of the People of Earth to sign on to, stand under, and live within.

-All people are equal, separated from prior political bands and connected directly to source and creation in an equal capacity. To be “equal” implies each person has value.

-Every person was given to them by their creator a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and another person is not allowed to put any sort of a lien on these rights.

-The governments work for the people through the consent of the people. It is the people that have the authority over the governments.

-The only reason why the government exists is because the people declared it into existence through our consent.

- When each individual protects another in their liberty, there is no trespass or slavery possible because each of us is responsible for that trespass or slavery upon another. I am my brother’s keeper because he is mine.

-There is only one race on this planet, and that is humankind. It matters not our location, our creed, our backgrounds as we all share the same home, Earth, and we derive all our substance from the same Earth.

What do these principles mean to me?

Each of us can choose to abide by these principles or not. I personally choose to abide by them, and in doing so I can apply them to my own life and I am willing to share with all of you what they mean to me in some of my day to day activities.

We are all equal and we all have value. To me this means that I am no better or less than any other person, I am responsible for myself and all the things that occur in my life. I have value that was endowed to me by my creator. My fellow humanity also has value and I recognize this in them. I am not allowed to take their value away from them, and they are not allowed to take my value away from me. I have a right to live with liberty and pursue my own happiness, as do others. No one can put a lien on any of these rights and it is my labor, and the labor of others, that creates the value of the money system. My government is my employee, as I and the rest of the people give them their power through our consent. I cannot give my consent to something I have no knowledge of, but once I have the knowledge, if I am silent, this silence would be assumed as my consent unless I stand up for myself and do something about it.

So now that I feel I have a good grasp on these principles, I have the following questions that come to my mind in my day to day life:

There are those of us who work so hard just to make ends meet, and struggle and cannot seem to get ahead. And there are those elite who always have more than enough because they take our value. Sure, we are fed the line that we all have equal opportunity, but most know that in reality this isn’t really true. Those with money have a lot more opportunity than those without. How does this scenario show that all of us are equal? It doesn’t. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what really occurs with the disparity of wealth in our world.

For the majority of us in debt, how is it that we owe “the system” money when it is our labor that created the money that was lent to us? And how in the world is this actually calculated? If my labor creates a dollar’s worth of value, and you lend me that dollar of my own value based on my labor, then how is it I have to pay you three dollars back? It was my labor that gave you that dollar in the first place! How is that additional two dollars justified? Does it represent the lenders labor? No it does not. It was created out of thin air as a means of stealing my value from me and giving all my value (and everybody else’s) to a select few that didn’t earn it. Let’s say that for this particular transaction I signed a promissory note and agreed to pay you three dollars for the one dollar that you let me. Well then I guess I consented to this. And I probably only consented because I didn’t understand that the dollar you were lending me was mine to begin with, and your complicated contract with all of its crazy derivative calculations confused me so badly that I felt I had no other choice but to bow down to your demands. I might have just not known any better. But what about the really big debts that I am supposedly obliged to pay that I never consented to? Like the national debt, specifically those situations where such an arrangement was never communicated to me? How can I consent to something I don’t know about?

Let’s say in order to survive I need a house for my family to live in, a car to drive myself back and forth to a job that I need in order to support my family. This constitutes my life for which my creator has bestowed upon me the unalienable right to have. But in order to have the house I have to finance it and a bank puts a lien on me. In order to get the car I have to finance it and a bank puts a lien on me. In order to qualify for the decent paying job I have to finance a college degree and a bank puts a lien on me. Are not all these bank debts at high interest rates, a lien on my life? Isn’t my right to life supposed to be non-lienable? How the heck did this happen?

Let’s say I was the manager of my own company. I am fully responsible for the success of the company and the welfare of all my employees. Also, my employees need my approval to do certain tasks to serve the needs of the company. Then one day all my employees decided to do whatever they wanted: steal and spend all the company’s money on their own personal interests, and then went around to other companies, claiming they were representing me and behaved badly in front of others to ruin my reputation. Then those employees came into my office, took away my desk, my chair, my pictures of my family, and demanded that I raise all their salaries, pay them all big fat bonuses, and cover all expenses incurred while they were off on their escapades destroying my company. What would I do? Would I say “OK you guys are in charge, and I’ll give you whatever you want and ignore everything you’ve done because I’ve forgotten that I am the boss and I’m afraid of you?” No I wouldn’t. So how is it any different with our government? They work for us, through our consent.
Don’t even get me started on licenses, certificates and taxes… I’ll be here all day!

So How do we change all this?

Now that we have covered the principles, you can agree with them and live by them or not. This is your choice by your free will alone. If you agree with them, then you have also taken responsibility for upholding them within yourself and your own life. Again this is your own free will.
To help us all be and create the change we want to see in our world, the first step was to cover the principles, the next step is the syllogism.

Definition of syllogism

1: a deductive scheme of a formal argument consisting of a major and a minor premise and a conclusion (as in “every virtue is laudable; kindness is a virtue; therefore kindness is laudable”)
2: a subtle, specious, or crafty argument
3: deductive reasoning

Coming next: Syllogism Explained.
Guest Author HopeGirl blogs for The Fix The World Organization. Follow this link for more info.
For more information about OPPT, follow these 2 links.

Sam Davis

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