Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Bond

by Boltzman Brains

The Egg

The heliosphere is the region of space inhabited by the Sun. The heliosphere is a magnetic bubble-like medium and is located as far as beyond the orbit of Pluto. Plasma “blown” out from the Sun, known as the solar wind, creates and maintains this bubble against the outside pressure of the interstellar medium, the hydrogen and helium gas that permeates Milky Way Galaxy. The solar wind flows outward from the Sun until encountering the termination shock, where motion slows abruptly.

The Voyager spacecraft have actively explored the outer reaches of the heliosphere, passing through the shock and entering the heliosheath, a transitional region which is in turn bounded by the outermost edge of the heliosphere, called the heliopause. The overall shape of the heliosphere is determined by the interstellar medium, through which it is traveling and the sun.

Earth’s magnetic field, also known as the geomagnetic field, is the magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s interior to where it meets the solar wind, a stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun. Its magnitude at the Earth’s surface ranges from 25 to 65 microteslas (0.25 to 0.65 gauss).

Roughly speaking it is the field of a magnetic dipole currently tilted at an angle of about 10 degrees with respect to Earth’s rotational axis, as if there were a bar magnet placed at that angle at the center of the Earth. Unlike a bar magnet, however, Earth’s magnetic field changes over time because it is generated by a geodynamo (in Earth’s case, the motion of molten iron alloys in its outer core).

Layer upon layer of protection lays over us protecting us from the forces of the universe that would obliterate us in an instant without their protection. Arising from this Is a system of binding that creates all life. Energy creates patterns which persist in fractal progression from scales large and small. Much of what we think of as a self is defined by ideas of what life is but we should realize that these definitions show more about our perspective than the reality of our existence.

What makes life? 

I believe it to be a matter of homeostasis that is regulated in such a way as to create a self regulating pattern within a dynamic system. This is caused by a system of value which defines the self the same way axioms define a model. The basis of life is algorithmic action manifest as direct representation through contextual energy upon physical reality.

The key to understanding the algorithm is in the binding selection. The first particle to exhibit polarity and connect to another particle making the first chain creating a line of energy which will then fold causing secondary and tertiary field generation through n dimensional space begins Physics and Chemistry.

Proteins may be created from folding and the quantum chemical bonds resulting from the simple arrangement of the four positions of the letter V as positive poles exist and attraction possibilities from inside outside + and – meet and create chains of particles which in turn create chains capable of chemical action.

It is so simple for such things to exist but do they necessarily have to exist only as physical objects or could you find such simple machines created by algorithms inherent in the action of the existence of energy to any abstraction of infinite reality?

To put it in perspective could cultures, memes, personalities and other such energy patterns also exhibit quantum chemical reaction?

What is addiction?

This is a good article I found recently on addiction and ist causes. It seems likely that people become addicted because of the need to bond socially rather than as previously thought a physical need for a chemical. Bonding builds into a social organism and may work on many levels previously unrecognized.

Though this is interesting and indicative, I am looking for an explanation for a different phenomena.

How alive and conscious is the planet as a system?

I noticed something unusual one day, I was cloud watching while driving and each puffy little cloud was sailing about five hundred feet up and trailing what looked like rain. I drove farther and then saw a barn on fire, as the clouds went past they were vacuuming up the dust and smoke from the fire, visibly. I didn’t know that clouds would cross the earth vacuuming up the particles that would give them substance and growth. They must have been using electrical differences to cause this transference. The earth and sky are continually exchanging electrical forces and the systems involved are as complex and little understood as just about anything we see. The earth itself is an electrical dynamo consisting of a liquid iron, nickel core that creates a strong magnetic field. It is in constant pattern of binding with scales outward and inward.

Another thing I watched while cloud watching, when wondering about the contextual energy systems on different scales I like to look up. There are many systems of great complexity that have raised questions in my mind. As I drove home one day I noticed two shapes in the clouds that looked like a set of eyes. Glancing back I watched them slowly changing as they filled with an iris and then filled with bright light which seemed to give them life. It suddenly seemed as if something very large was looking down at me. I suddenly felt like an ant must feel and wondered how such a thing could be?

Stephen L. Thayler P.H.D. on creation machines and how they are a different form of AI created from artificial neural networks of imagitrons and perceptrons which create a system of logic and actually learn by using simple rules that arise spontaneously from natural means. What this means is that you have something that creates patterns and an observer of some form and then throw in some random noise within the system and you can easily create an entity with a creative imagination. Scale and energy are not the only things that occur to affect the context of conscious being within the fractal of our existence.

And today this creation of life is spreading into the realm of technology. There are many questions to be answered and I think it is bonding that will hold many of the answers.

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