Saturday, May 11, 2013

Consciousness Rises, “and There Isn’t a Single Thing You Can Do to Stop It”

Consciousness Rises     

Look around you. Now look within you. Do you perceive it? The disconnect between your inner awareness and the rapidly escalating collapse of an increasingly out-of-control matrix?

Yes indeed! The collapse of the controllers is happening. You need look no further than the President of the United States’ speech to the Ohio State graduation class for confirmation. He reads unabashedly from his teleprompter the following words:

“Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root of all our problems; some of these same voices also doing their best to gum up the works. They’ll warn that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices.” [emphasis mine]

Gum up what works, Mr. President? Your government’s most recent false flag in Boston? The corrupt practices of an out-of-control privately owned central banking consortium that’s debasing currency to the tune of $85 billion per month?

Reject which voices? The whistleblowers emerging from the World Bank, the Benghazi affair, the ET disclosures, the FDA-approved GMO food supply, the Guantanamo Bay hunger strike, HAARP, chemtrails, Agenda 21, Bradley Manning, Wikileaks?

Humanity awakens. The Spirit that lies within has begun its emergence to the detriment of that carefully-nurtured tyrannical enslavement agenda that has been so carefully hidden for so long. Yes, Mr. President. The peeps are waking up. They refuse to believe Bashar Hafez al-Assad the Syrian (born curiously enough on September 11 1965) released bio-chemical weapons against his people. That ship has sailed. They don’t believe the government numbers that herald “economic recovery.” They don’t want to take your vaccines or give them to their children. They don’t want war. In fact, they’re sick and tired of it. Most interesting of all, they no longer believe your mainstream media, which is why they turn in droves to alternative sources and you are forced to declare “you should reject these voices.”

Yes. Humanity awakens. And there isn’t a single thing you can do to stop it.

Source: weekly newsletter update emailed from

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