"As many of you may know I consider Mahatma Gandhi to be one of the greatest and most influential humans that ever walked on this Earth. His non violent approach to not only battle but defeat oppression, slavery and injustice on two different continents has inspired many great people to follow in his foot steps. His ideas of peaceful resistance and non cooperation, as innocent as they may sound, where enough to unite the hearts and minds of people all across the globe to the suffering and struggles of the Indian people and then shame the British empire enough to give up their illegal occupation of their home land. I bring this up today because it is my opinion that our world is in desperate need for another Mahatma (great soul) to once again unite the people of the world.
In Gandhi's writings he used two very powerful words quiet often and they were "sedition" and "Satyagraha". Sedition is defined as conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch, because Gandhi knew that just as there were unjust men, there are also unjust laws that they force upon their people. He believed that it was every ones duty and obligation to stand up against tyranny and oppression. That people were all the same in the eyes of the supreme being and that no one individual or group individuals should be mistreated or brutalized. And he also believed that no matter what, truth and Love would always be victorious in the end. And that brings me to his second favorite word, Satyagraha is a sanskrit word that translates to "insistence on truth".
You see Gandhi's level of thinking transcended religion and politics, he was a student of what the true human nature of man was. He knew that only by bridging the gaps between religions, nationalities and ethnicities would man ever be able to coexist Peacefully and truthfully. I think the truth that Gandhi showed to us is that it takes no intelligence or bravery to harm or kill another human being. That real strength and wisdom comes from elevating our consciousness to a level that realizes that we are all connected in this life and that only by having open hearts and open minds will we ever be able to stop resorting to barbaric and animalistic violence towards one another. Yes our world is teetering on a fine edge and we are in desperate need for each and every one of us to find our own Mahatma that resides inside of each of us. Will you join the fight? Blessings and Love to you all. Namaste _/|\_ "
~ Guru Bubba McLovin
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