by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
When the Cold War ended, a secret fund planned for by President Ronald Reagan had been set aside to rebuild America, pay off the national debt and reward Americans for decades of sacrifice.
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Now Hunting Economic Terrorists Closer to Home |
This was the real accomplishment of his presidency, one few knew of.
As the funds finally came together, during the first years of the Clinton administration, instead of going to America, the man chosen to secure this legacy for America was put in a Swiss dungeon, then a mental hospital and eventually railroaded into prison on charges now admitted to have been “manufactured.”
Of the funds, only $4.5 trillion remain (plus interest, less taxes), belonging to Ameritrust Corporation, held for the American people. This is some of the story of those funds and continuing attempts by politicians and bankers to continue destroying the United States through economic terrorism.
Many who read this will already know part of the story, some were involved, I am sure, in related operations. I am part of that group. The facts, documents, secret operations carefully vetted, confirmed, all now ready for release to those cleared for such, others are public domain.
It is our job to put out a story we are largely unauthorized to tell.
Of those who work in Special Operations and such things, I am one of the very few with a background in international finance. This is not written for public consumption but I will publish it anyway, do with it as you will. I am writing to our “community.” You know who you are.![]() |
Whose Money Were They Lending? – Stolen Money? |
We hear one day that the Federal Reserve secretly lends out trillions of dollars illegally, yet these criminal acts by the Federal Reserve, though reported, are never investigated.
In fact, there is no agency empowered to audit or control the Federal Reserve whose very existence itself no one understands and, if they did, none would approve of.
It doesn’t say whose dollars or where they went or what America got in return. We are led to believe they came out of thin air, went to places that are “none of our business” and were or were not paid back, also none of our business.
What happened? America got screwed.
Years ago, I had been asked to look after a former Reagan official named Lee Wanta. Some of you will understand this sentence, who does the asking, and what “look after”means.
I knew he had been kidnapped in Switzerland and, though a diplomat, sent to the US and imprisoned on criminal charges we knew to be a total invention.
His personal attorney was Chief Legal Counsel for the Central Intelligence Agency.My retiree job is as an intelligence contractor working with pro-US clients. I “brief,” not interview. I am not a journalist by trade. I am one of the thousands of Americans that middle age has turned from a “knock in the back of the head” guy to someone who can talk his way out of a dozen foreign jails.
I am simply one of many Americans that few know exist, a Marine, a Vietnam veteran and someone who spent much of his life with his head upside down.
What Happened to Lee Wanta Actually
Happened to All Americans
Ambassador Wanta has court documentation that he is owed $7.2 trillion dollars, private capital designated for one purpose, rebuilding the American economy.

Initially, $4.5 trillion was transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond while issues of law and taxes were negotiated. This is the remainder of a larger fund, transferred into the US while litigation was to determine tax liability and little else.
Secretly, a group of individuals has been using and diverting these funds.
Why does the fund exist? Wanta worked for Reagan, National Intelligence Coordinator and then was nominated by Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa at Reagan’s request to take over as Inspector General of the Department of Defense.
Instead, Reagan assigned Wanta to a project to raise huge amounts of money trading currency. Some of this is on the internet and much of it is correct. The total amount raised, based on collateral supplied by the US Department of Treasury in a secret intelligence operation was 27 trillion USD.
Over the years, all but $4.5 trillion was stolen, much of it by a previous US president, some by the CIA, much by banks. Years ago, I was sent account numbers on some of the money and tried to locate it in concert with foreign intelligence agencies.
I would have returned the funds to the US government. Included is 2000 tons of gold, and dozens of bank accounts around the world. I have the account numbers, talked to the bankers and even, in one case, went directly to a chief of state.
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What Has Been Stolen by the MegaCrooks is Beyond Imagination |
Anyway, back to Wanta. During this time, Wanta had gone to court to recover his funds, which had grown to over $7 trillion.
The rest of the money, much of which came from currency trading at the largest scale in world history, we will never find.
Now a court has ordered Wanta to receive his money.
The company to receive the money is Ameritrust. The board members of Ameritrust are well known public people, a former Vice President, senators, generals and admirals and, of course, me.
The money is, officially, in the Federal Bank of Richmond and the order to return the funds was signed by the President of the United States based on an agreement with the Federal Courts.
Involved, over a period of years, is a group of people every American will know, from presidents and vice presidents to the heads of the Federal Reserve, Secretaries of Treasury, names like Bush and Cheney, Paulson, Bernake, Al Gore, some names working for America and too many trying to steal part of the money for themselves.
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(Fax header from “deep cover” classified memo directly to President Bush) |
Some tried to steal all of it.
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Federal Reserve |
If you wondered how the Federal Reserve, that couldn’t print a few billion dollars without authorization from congress, lent out trillions that technically didn’t exist with no permission at all and there was no investigation, no questions asked and the story forgotten a day later, you will begin to understand by the end of this.
You will be extremely upset and angry also.
Thus far, here is part of that settlement I can tell you of but first, I had Wanta checked out.
To do that, I went to a top army intelligence officer from the Pentagon, one who had been Defense Attache to Israel and who had worked in Special Operations, war plans, clandestine operations and such since he was an A Team leader in Vietnam. I put him on with Wanta for hours and had Wanta interrogated.
Wanta knew dozens of the highest classified operations in US history, knew every Pentagon official including much highly detailed personal information. To our top Army intelligence officer, we were able to confirm that he was, unquestioningly, working for years at the highest levels of US intelligence.
The man who grilled him still hangs up the phone whenever I mention 9/11, a close personal friend of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.
This is the deal:
Ameritrust agrees to buy $1 trillion in 10 year treasury bonds, which will finance America’s national debt for the next year.
Ameritrust, as outlined by the court, agrees to pay $1.7 trillion in income tax, reducing the national debt significantly overnight.
Ameritrust has set aside $6 billion for disbursement, under my advisement, monies for two purposes:Ameritrust has set aside, minimally, $1 trillion USD to build a high speed rail system for the United States with almost all components domestically constructed. This system includes stations, hotels and much more. The minimal impact will include:
- Development of a program to end veteran homelessness and save a generation of young veterans. This is entirely privately donated money. A non-profit entity exists and programs can start today. Not one cent will be stolen or diverted.
- Fund efforts to aid in closing the US border and put a 100% end to illegal immigration and drug trafficking. This involves billions of dollars, carefully administered, with the full cooperation of state and local officials who have already been consulted and are onboard.
The economic impact on other transportation systems, particularly airlines, has been predicted and funding is available to minimize disruption.
- Initial employment will begin at 80,000 with full employment in the manufacture, installation and security of this system 400,000 new jobs, all privately financed without one cent of taxpayer money.
- Veterans will receive preference on all jobs but, as is obvious, employment goes well beyond our available veteran community.
- Required technologies and the entities that control such will be purchased and manufacturing facilities will be located within the United States.
America, of course, will become the world’s tourist destination, travel costs for top domestic destinations will lower by a minimum of $65% and no debt will be involved.
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The Great West of America – Grand Canyon |
This is all documented.
Studies showing lowered emissions and freedom from oil imports are almost frightening.
All this does, of course, is give Americans things that other nations around the world have had for years but at lower cost, financed through the foresight, frankly, of President Ronald Reagan.
This entire project was his plan. He entrusted the currency trading critical part of it to Lee Wanta, who some now considered the greatest intelligence coup of the Cold War. I had no idea.
That we are dealing with it now is because criminal elements within our government and financial industry including the Federal Reserve System have subverted this plan, ignored court orders and violated so many laws we can’t even count. They believe they can claim immunity and hide behind an national security justification.
This money is here today, it is 20 years old, it requires no new currency issue, it pays down debt and adds nothing but jobs, revenue and hope.
To stop this from moving forward, Wanta was kidnapped and jailed, court cases involving the top lawyers in the United States have gone on for 6 years and millions have been spent to either keep this out of the press or misrepresent facts that exist on enough legal documents to fill a Fed Ex van.
More than that, laws of diplomatic privilege have been violated and, a more serious security threat, Wanta was protected by federal statutes that protect intelligence agents, statutes misused by Oliver North and others. Wanta’s prosecution, on no evidence at all other than requests from governmental elements tied to organized crime, human trafficking and narcotics, moved forward despite motions to dismiss filed that any court would have immediately accepted.
Laws meant to protect America are now laws of convenience, used when they serve the banks or own our politicians, violated when patriots need to be silenced.
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Lee Wanta |
Vice President Gore also confirmed that he had been informed that Lee Wanta was dead. When Gore learned Wanta was alive in the room, we suspect this is why Wanta is here and the Reagan/Ameritrust program is coming back to life.
The psychiatrist ordered Wanta’s release. Instead of release, he was jailed and the psychiatrist “warned” and then fired. We can prove this.
You have heard these stories a dozen times, Sibel Edmonds, John Wheeler III, Susan Lindauer and a hundred names you will never hear. Ask why Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota and his family are dead.
This is the real world we live in, why we pay so much for gas when the world money markets have crashed, when demand is nothing but prices rise daily and nobody ever asks anything.
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We Want to Know |
We want to know why, for years, the Federal Reserve illegally “loaned” trillions of dollars to banks that claimed they were insolvent, money in escrow and not under their authority for distribution.
We want to know why, for years, the Secretaries of Treasury authorized these illegal acts which have been reported in the news but never investigated.
We want to know where the trillions of dollars are in profits that were generated by using this currency to collateralize offshore transactions never listed by the banks who received the illegal loans.
Read that one again until you understand the extent of what I am saying and how obvious all of this is.
The money has been there to put America on her feet. Nobody ever explained how the Federal Reserve could lend trillions of dollars “illegally,” money never under their official control but rather under the supervision of the Federal District Court of the Eastern District of Virginia.
In addition to funding existing legal authorities to end illegal immigration overnight and begin a real war on drug trafficking, at some point there will be unpaid state income taxes totaling over $200 billion dollars.
We have the full backing of state governors, select members of congress and those financial leaders who choose to profit from honest business instead of insider trading and financial scams. This means “change.”
What we demand?
We want monies owed and ordered to be paid as law requires to be paid. All we are demanding is restoration of rule of law in accordance with existing court orders and legal judgements, nothing more.
We also have law enforcement and intelligence officials who tell us that they will never sleep another night until they have hunted all these people involved down and have seen justice done.
They say they are willing to spend their lives hunting assets, even to the ends of the earth, beginning with vacation homes, yachts, family trusts, safe deposit boxes, anywhere on the planet and that existing laws covering money laundering and terrorism give them the needed tools.
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How Many Were Involved in Cooking the Books? |
The term I keep hearing is “continuing criminal enterprise.” I am more a builder than one to seek retribution but others are not so forgiving. We believe this is why funds are being held up, out of fear.
As there is enough money here for Ameritrust to be the most powerful congressional lobby, being a “corporate person,” the richest ever imagined, think of the irony.
The laws meant to deprive Americans of their rights being used to restore democracy and rule of law. The idea is frightening.
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This is What These Mega Thieves are Doing to America |
America was never intended to be what it has become. We have the funds, the plans and the people to begin a rapid and well conceived turn-around of America.
This is a plan of investment in America, of hard work, of the most extreme form of financial conservatism thinkable.
This is about work and paying taxes and building in America for America by Americans.
Ask yourself who has been blocking this, who is above the law? Court documents on all of this, as required by law, are in the public domain.
Welcome to any who think this is less than we say
Editing: Jim W. Dean
Dear Folks, You may get tired of hearing this by I am going to say it once again. We have to take ownership of this problem. If we let them get away with this and keep their ill gotten gains there is absolutely nothing they will fear doing do to us in the future. Only a conquered, defeated people would accept such a humiliation.
Fortunately, as the WOT has expanded the Special Operations Forces to 50,000, many are becoming aware of this situation and needless to say are more than a little unhappy about it. Add in legions of ole time civilian and military Intel people and we have a multi-generational trained and well motivated group of leaders ready. Repeatedly, we have seen mental health facilities, most on military bases, used as prisons, used to discredit, used to drug, experiment on clandestine agents and even public officials who refuse to submit to participation in illegalities.
Does the term “gulag” come to mind?
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