Sunday, July 5, 2015

Aliens Are Real & They Will Look Like Humans – Claims Cambridge University Scientist

Evolutionary biologist Simon Conway Morris has shared his belief that aliens are real and that they look just like us, noting how interesting it is that we have yet to find or come in contact with human-like beings, given the number of Earth-like planets we have discovered so far.

Professor Conway Morris is best known for his study on the Cambrian explosion, which saw a sudden evolutionary burst of complex animal life occur around 542 million years ago. Morris, a man of both religion and science, has also been challenging popular scientific theories with an open mind for quite some time. He feels that many theories, when pulled together, can help explain how we all got here, but on their own paint only an incomplete picture.[1]

Given his history, it’s not much of a surprise that Morris also delves into the ET realm. He feels that because many of the planets we have discovered are similar to our own, harbouring the distinct possibility for life, it is likely life has already emerged.

Morris has stated: “I would argue that in any habitable zone that doesn’t boil or freeze, intelligent life is going to emerge, because intelligence is convergent.”

“One can say with reasonable confidence that the likelihood of something analogous to a human evolving is really pretty high.”

“And given the number of potential planets that we now have good reason to think exist, even if the dice only come up the right way every one in 100 throws, that still leads to a very large number of intelligences scattered around, that are likely to be similar to us.”

Professor Conway Morris continues to say: “Fermi’s paradox seems to be coming rather sharply into focus. If I’m on the right track then the likelihood of intelligence is evolving and actively engaging in some sort of transgalatic expeditions doesn’t seem to be completely beyond the realm of possibility.”
“What Fermi didn’t know when he asked that famous question was that the number of Earth-like planets is absolutely gigantic now. More problematic is that many of these solar systems far, far pre-date our solar system. They would have, in principle, a major head start of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of years.”

“The problem is exceedingly acute: we shouldn’t be alone but, famous last words, all the evidence suggests we are. Maybe [aliens] are hiding, the Arthur C Clarke idea, or as Stephen Baxter mischievously suggested we live in a virtual world. I don’t honestly know. My suspicion is we have only begun to scratch at the surface of reality, for want of a better word.”

But are they hiding? It almost seems like there’s been so much evidence of “someone else” that the statement “maybe they’re hiding” seems misplaced.

Valid Theories?

Are his theories something to be taken seriously or is he off in left field? Given the amount of research that has gone into this subject over the years, enough evidence, case studies, and experiences have been documented to suggest it’s not at all unreasonable to believe that aliens not only exist, but that they could be among us already. Even Harvard professor John Mack states when it comes to alien abductions: “Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension.” 

Even popular scientists Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye believe aliens and ETs exist and are intelligent.

Canada’s former defense minister Paul Hellyer not only believes ETs exist, but states that “at least 4 known alien species have been visiting earth for thousands of years.” In an interview we did with Hellyer at Toronto City Hall I asked him outright about the existence of different species, and he told me that at some levels of military and government it’s such a known fact that it’s not even surprising to them anymore.

Exciting Time For Disclosure

In the end this topic is so widely discussed now that it’s only a matter of time before big answers will come. Some believe the answers are already there while others are waiting for more tangible proof, and they are of course entitled to wait. I do believe though that instead of being rash, angry, or condescending about the probability of alien life, we could be more curious, excited, and open. It’s a very real and practical possibility, and the days of thinking it’s crazy talk should be long gone.

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