Sunday, September 23, 2012
A Vision of A Beautiful New World
By Mathew Hart, Pearl Lee-Ora Landsman and Hester Aira
On December 31, 2011, I woke in the middle of the night with the message in this video. When I posted this message two days later on a Facebook group, I was invited by Pearl Lee-Ora Landsman to use it as the basis for a worldwide visualization/meditation/prayer event that she had in mind -- thus, I went ahead and created this video to help spread the message and to promote this event.
Since that time, however, having experienced the overwhelmingly beautiful outpouring of love that this video has generated in just one week, I have come to realize that this vision -- the common vision that we share -- is all about love, unity, and the truth of the heart. Therefore, if you resonate with this video, and you feel an inner pull to unite with others in celebration of our similarities and in acceptance of our differences, please know that we respectfully invite you to come and join the many, many beautiful hearts and minds that have already begun to assemble at the sacred meeting place we have co-created in Facebook Groups called "The Beautiful New World" at:
You will not be disappointed, we promise. Truly, there is something uniquely loving and inspirational going on in our little corner of the internet that is unlike any gathering you have ever attended. In fact, it has become wondrously apparent that The Beautiful New World has already begun.
For those of you who are drawn to participate in a very powerful group event, the January 21st visualization/meditation/prayer event was such an overwhelming success, the group has decided to hold monthly events throughout 2012 on the 21st of each month. For more information, and to register your intent to participate, please visit our Facebook Event Page at
Love to you all,
Mathew Hart, Pearl Lee-Ora Landsman and Hester Aira
Here is the message from the video:
I have a vision for the future and it is beautiful. I see honesty, transparency, and correct thinking in all governments.
I see an end to disproportionate military spending and an equitable reallocation of funding to humanitarian causes, education, infrastructure, job creation, health-care, and environmental preservation and clean-up.
I see an end to corporate interests in government, and an end to the weaponization of space, and an end to unnecessary reliance on fossil fuels, and other non-renewable resources.
I know that alternate sources of energy exist, are viable, and can be inexpensive, but that they have been repressed by misaligned interests.
I also know about false-flags, and media manipulation, and Big Pharma's quest to keep everyone sick, and Big Agriculture's quest for world food dominance using unsafe and untested G.M.O.'s.
I know about the growing financial divide between the 99% and the 1%, and I know about the N.W.O. and its schemes for population reduction.
And yet, I stand in my light, without fear, and with a beautiful vision for the future because I know that I live in an abundant world with plenty of resources for everyone.
Whether we are 7 billion, 10 billion, or 15 billion, I know that we have the technology, the resources, and the intelligence to find peaceful solutions to our challenges, to create a world without poverty, without starvation, without disease, without war, without suffering.
I know this because I know the truth -- the truth that comes from within -- the same truth that is within all of us. And I am compelled by this truth to stand tall, to live in the moment, and to be all that I am, regardless of what is happening in my life or in the world around me.
I have a vision for the future and it is beautiful. And it is unfolding right now, one awakened heart at a time, on schedule, in alignment with the highest good, and perfect in every way. Happy 2012 everyone!
Music by Sigur Ros - "Hoppipolla"
Poofness – On The Road Again

Used to be, folks would just nod their and concede, I was ‘whacked’ talking about something economically impossible, shift the wealth of the world??? Well your daft, sir. Hrrumph Hrrumph. Now the talking heads are responding directly on broadcasts and everything. Remember, back in ez board days? I said I would slice and dice the rumors and expose them for public ridicule, to be mocked and spat upon? It ain’t easy being cheesy. The best is seeing the stuff I was talking about, materializing for all to see. It’s taken a while but, ‘resistance is futile…stand down to be assimilated’. You see, that change is afoot is beyond question, the only debate out here has to with who’s doing it. Everybody is waving their arms around, it’s me, no, it’s me, I got control! and you’re not getting a cowpatty on a warm day, in west texas when it’s raining. Or like a little girl used to say in grade school , ‘you think you’re hot shit on a silver platter, but, you’re nothing but cold diarrhea on a paper plate’. Such cussing comin’ out her mouth…must have been an interesting home life for her. But, she grew up to become stunning. Go figure. She could cuss with penache…lololol.
The old folks always said, if they are taking about you in, whatever form, you’re making a difference, they keep you relevant. So, Bless them and move on. I was told to tell you folks to ‘stay close’ despite the delay created by a socialist country in an effort to get more tax money, something that was already taken care of by it’s former president. Breaking a treaty. Many behinds are being seen fully exposed to the world for all the moles and blemishes upon them. Boxers know the term ‘head fake’, well the bad guys got a head fake, so complete, I was getting non rumor folks saying the drops were out. I gotta fail safe method of knowing and non of my trips wires went off so, that went into file 13. If you’re greedy, you will not succeed no mater what clever games you come up with. I know of a very powerful person in the east, who thought he was running the show, he got shown, he wasn’t running anything but running his feet to get him to the toilet on time. This is a lot like pulling the wings off of flies and making them walk. Yea, I got a ‘sick’ side but watching these so-called smart guys shoot themselves in the foot for so long…it has ‘effected’ my good disposition.
Peace be upon everybody out there who’s reading this, stand by, victory is here. It may dramatic for some, others will ‘see’ it and walk away, only too happy to be done with it all. I’m one of them. This happens and the unbelievers will still be writing blogs or whatever, saying what a ludicrous thing this all was. As the man said, ‘you can’t fix stupid’. These are unusual times and your critical thinking has to adjust to it, the old grey mare ain’t what she used to be. Get in the way at your own risk. who’s 68 now
Love and Kisses,
Friday, September 21, 2012
Is the US Treasury to Forclose the Federal Reserve System?
By Stan Brewer
The US Dept of Treasury is set to foreclose on “the Fed” by virtue of filing a UCC-1 financing statement and a lien on the Federal Reserve System.
The complete legal document concerning the liens against the Federal Reserve
The IRS and other parties is/are also listed as a Secured Party Creditor in accordance with the IRS becoming a benevolent organsization.
It’s a UCC Financing statement (File #0000000181425776) AMENDMENT which was done on August 12th of this year. And you know who the debtor and secured parties are?
And if you click over here to the underlying document, what’s the amount involved in this UCC filing? How about just north of $14-trillion dollars?Name AddressTHE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
This “Agricultural Lien” seems to add the Comptroller of Maryland. So what’s the change here all about? If you have any clues as to just what the hell this is about, the data seems to live on a server of Towson University which is according to it’s web site:
“Founded in 1866, Towson University is recognized among the nation’s best regional public universities, offering more than 100 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs in the liberal arts and sciences, and applied professional fields.“
Oh, and part of the University System of Maryland.
"if you plug in that document number and hit search (archive) you get the original filing. which as far as i can tell pledges every person and all real land in the usa as collateral against a $14.3 trillion dollar loan. the owner of record on that property (every person and all real land) is the IRS. and finally attached is a brochure for the NAWPA which talks about 1000 miles of tunnels and weather engineering and climate control and utilizing the magnetosphere, omg, it’s like someone filed the definitive document to prove all those way out in left field totally unbelievable conspiracy theories. someone please read this and tell me I’m interpreting it wrong.”
Yes, wouldn’t we all like to know! So do research and have it in my email by Sunday – we’ll post follow-up Monday morning. But say, wouldn’t this be a reason for all them Big Wigs to be out of DC when news of this leaks out? I mean if it’s what we think it could be…
On the other hand, since one of the parties on this is listed as the North American Water and Power Alliance and this was (to quote Wikipedia):
”...conceived in the 1950s by the US Army Corps of Engineers as a ‘Great Project’ to develop more water sources for the United States. The planners envisioned diverting water from some rivers in Alaska south through Canada via the Rocky Mountain Trench and other routes to the US and would involve 369 separate construction projects.“
”...conceived in the 1950s by the US Army Corps of Engineers as a ‘Great Project’ to develop more water sources for the United States. The planners envisioned diverting water from some rivers in Alaska south through Canada via the Rocky Mountain Trench and other routes to the US and would involve 369 separate construction projects.“
What IF – and this is only an IF here – this is going to become suddenly real shortly and turn into a massive "redevelopment project to stave off the Second Depression, just as the Works Progress Administration and Civilian Conservation Corps were rolled out to counter the effect of the (first) Great Depression?"
Ok, I would like for you see this for yourselves rather than post the document, I hope you guys are ready for this one! We know that the labor of the people have been pledged for the debt right? Well, all I can say is, check this out!
When you get to that page, go to the right at bottom and search this number: 181425776
You’ll view quite an interesting document. Remember, this is the official record!
Stan Brewer
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Atomic Bond Types Clearly Discernible Thanks to Single-Molecule Images
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Nanographene molecule exhibiting carbon-carbon bonds |
A team from IBM in Zürich has released images they captured of single-molecules that are so detailed that the type of atomic bonds between their atoms can be discerned.
The scientists published their findings in the journal Science. The same IBM team took the first ever single-molecule images in 2009 and most recently published the images of the pentacene, the molecule shaped like the Olympic rings.

The team included French and Spanish collaborators, and they used a variant of a technique called atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM uses a tiny metal tip that passes over a surface, where even tinier deflections are measured as the tip is scanned as it moves to and fro over a sample.
The pentacene molecule was scanned by using a carbon monoxide molecule, which acted like a recording needle, allowing for unprecedented accuracy of the surfaces of atoms.
The experiments themselves must be isolated from any kind of vibrations. Room temperatures themselves induce movements of the AFM’s constituent molecules, which would blur the image, so the actual apparatus must be kept at -268 °C.
The tiny distortions in the regular hexagonal pattern of carbon bonds are what interested the researchers. Fullerenes and polyaromatic hydrocarbons, which have linked rings of carbon atoms at their cores, were the focus of this study.
The images showcased how long the atomic bonds are. The bright and dark spots correspond to higher and lower densities of electrons. There are different physical properties of different bonds.
By Range: Scitech Daily
Reading this article, I couldn't help put notice the striking similarities to "Metatron's Cube" and the "Flower of Life". Two central symbols in sacred geometry. I plan on writing a lot more about sacred geometry and how it applies to virtually everything we see, from the micro-universe to the macro-universe. As above, so below.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Crop Circles: A Perspective From the Ground Up
By Susanna Wilkerson
Compton Bassett, ENGLAND—After years of studying sacred geometry—the mathematical geometrical structures inherent in all life forms—I realized that crop circles are predominantly based on the same principles.
Knowing from experience how hard it is to draw the most basic of the geometries by hand, even using a compass and a rule, I realized that the complexity and intricacy, the sheer size of these formations is such that only a higher intelligence could create so detailed an image that can only be truly appreciated from an aircraft.
Two days ago, I met ex-RAF pilot Tony Hughes, who took me at close-range in a microlight aircraft around the Wiltshire farmlands, which have the highest frequency of crop circles of all locations in the world.
We were able to see the newest formation that was laid down on Aug. 26, perhaps the grand finale of this season due to the wet weather and early harvesting.
The experience was breathtaking and expansive, especially as we covered eight different sites in less than 30 minutes, the most recent pattern being estimated at 50 meters across, and again containing the predominant geometries that you see in organic crystalline forms in nature and the human genome.
When asked, Tony explained his most interesting experience during his 6,000 plus air-hours was when he passed over an area with a photographer and only minutes later, on his return via the same route to the airfield, he sighted a completely new and complex crop design that had not been there minutes earlier.
Tony agreed that only a higher intelligence could be capable of creating such complex and mathematically perfect design structures. We discussed how we both know people who are experts in computer graphics and admit that even they find it difficult to replicate the designs, which would require many many hours and calculations.
Consequently I’m convinced of the genuine nature of these phenomena not being created by humans (with rope and planks of wood), unless my own theory is true, which is that I believe it is us, human consciousness, in a future state of evolution speaking to us now, saying “WAKE UP!”
One of the first formations I ever studied in person, back in 2008, had the symbolism of a Celtic cross in motion, like a giant artist’s brush had passed through it. As I stood in it, I could feel this swishing energy passing through me and at the center I just wanted to lie down and absorb the whole sensation.
I felt it acting on my subconscious, like a key turning in a lock, and an understanding which I can’t really put into words came as a playful but profound insight. Like the paintbrush of a gentle giant stroking the wheat stalks down, even though they appeared to be flattened, one could see that they were bent not broken, still alive and yet there was no sense of any violence having been committed.
For people who are still buying the hoaxer story that was broadcast by the BBC years ago to debunk this phenomenon, they are certainly missing an enormously benevolent message that reads like goodwill toward all men and the Earth.
Which reminds me of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s philosophy: “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.” If you never put something sweet in your mouth, how could you describe what sugar tastes like?
Susanna Wilkerson is a teacher, psychologist, and naturopath. She lives in Australia where she farms hemp for nutritional and building projects, and has a school for working with awareness open to all ages and possibilities for growth.
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The latest formation in Wiltshire appeared in a field of wheat at Stackpen Hill on Aug. 26. (Susanna Wilkerson) |
Compton Bassett, ENGLAND—After years of studying sacred geometry—the mathematical geometrical structures inherent in all life forms—I realized that crop circles are predominantly based on the same principles.
Knowing from experience how hard it is to draw the most basic of the geometries by hand, even using a compass and a rule, I realized that the complexity and intricacy, the sheer size of these formations is such that only a higher intelligence could create so detailed an image that can only be truly appreciated from an aircraft.
Two days ago, I met ex-RAF pilot Tony Hughes, who took me at close-range in a microlight aircraft around the Wiltshire farmlands, which have the highest frequency of crop circles of all locations in the world.
We were able to see the newest formation that was laid down on Aug. 26, perhaps the grand finale of this season due to the wet weather and early harvesting.
The experience was breathtaking and expansive, especially as we covered eight different sites in less than 30 minutes, the most recent pattern being estimated at 50 meters across, and again containing the predominant geometries that you see in organic crystalline forms in nature and the human genome.
When asked, Tony explained his most interesting experience during his 6,000 plus air-hours was when he passed over an area with a photographer and only minutes later, on his return via the same route to the airfield, he sighted a completely new and complex crop design that had not been there minutes earlier.
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The new formation seen from Stackpen Hill. (Cassie Ryan/The Epoch Times) |
Consequently I’m convinced of the genuine nature of these phenomena not being created by humans (with rope and planks of wood), unless my own theory is true, which is that I believe it is us, human consciousness, in a future state of evolution speaking to us now, saying “WAKE UP!”
One of the first formations I ever studied in person, back in 2008, had the symbolism of a Celtic cross in motion, like a giant artist’s brush had passed through it. As I stood in it, I could feel this swishing energy passing through me and at the center I just wanted to lie down and absorb the whole sensation.
I felt it acting on my subconscious, like a key turning in a lock, and an understanding which I can’t really put into words came as a playful but profound insight. Like the paintbrush of a gentle giant stroking the wheat stalks down, even though they appeared to be flattened, one could see that they were bent not broken, still alive and yet there was no sense of any violence having been committed.
For people who are still buying the hoaxer story that was broadcast by the BBC years ago to debunk this phenomenon, they are certainly missing an enormously benevolent message that reads like goodwill toward all men and the Earth.
Which reminds me of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s philosophy: “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.” If you never put something sweet in your mouth, how could you describe what sugar tastes like?
Susanna Wilkerson is a teacher, psychologist, and naturopath. She lives in Australia where she farms hemp for nutritional and building projects, and has a school for working with awareness open to all ages and possibilities for growth.
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Standing inside the new formation. (Cassie Ryan/The Epoch Times) |
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Disclosure Announcement Being Pushed Up the Chain of Command
by Steve Beckow
Very meaty, substantial Hour with an Angel today with Archangel Michael and Geoffrey West. On the Disclosure video, on pre-NESARA, on political events in the world, and more.
What Archangel Michael said about the Disclosure video quite surprised me. Here is an immediate transcription of that red-hot news.
Apparently the video is going up and down the chain of command of the media and political leaders. It really has been a full announcement of Disclosure, and probably succeeded beyond our wildest expectations. Thank you, Graham and the Inlight Radio hosts.
I won’t reproduce a transcript of the rest of the show (Ellen is doing that). We’ll have a transcript for you probably tomorrow, but the news that the Disclosure video is impacting the controlled press and political leadership can’t wait!
I can’t tell you how excited the Inlight Radio hosts, 2012S editors and others who are working on related projects are by all this. And busy. We are flying and our hair’s on fire.
Archangel Michael:
There is a great deal of unfolding and good news on every horizon. Even if it looks like chaos, there is great movement so do not be deceived. …
I wish to congratulate you. I wish to say thank you on behalf of many for announcing Disclosure. For you have taken responsibility. You have claimed your freedom, your autonomy, your authority. And you have committed and declared yourself to the human collective. You are leading the way and you are showing those in authority that there is nothing to be afraid of. So for this we congratulate you and we thank you.
Yes, there is the reality which you observe in your interdimensional selves. And I want to emphasize this with everyone of you … who are listening. Whether you are fully conscious of it or not, you are transitioning into your interdimensional self. So there is what you are witnessing in what you believe to be your third-dimensional reality, which is numbers and people who are watching this video and the reaction of what you would call mainstream media, because let us assure you that it has been observed many times by what you would believe to be mainstream media.
But there is also what is happening on what you would think of as the subtle level, the interdimensional level. And it is that ripple effect that we have talked about so often, not only in terms of your individual work, the work of this team of InLight Radio and of the lightworkers, lightholders.
So what you have done, dear heart, is that you have dropped not a pebble, not a stone, not a rock, but a very big boulder into what is really a very small pond. And when I say that it is a small pond, I mean a small pond of the mainstream media, of the political leaders, of political leaders who are truly leaders, and of the human collective consciousness.
I want you to understand this. There are beings who may never, ever watch this video. Or the videos that spin out from this project. It does not matter because what is occurring is in the mix of the human collective consciousness. There has been this massive affirmation of a reality that all of you have held in your hearts and in your minds and in your experience, in your consciousness.
And the bringing forward of that reality, the declaration of it in such a succinct, clear, non-invasive way – because your video has come in peace and for me that was very important, that it be low-key, that it not have any element of fear, that it be infused with love and celebration and joy and you have made very sure of that so – that is all becoming communicated to the subconscious, and the unconscious of the collective. So the entrainment is changing.
So understand that piece. But in the physical reality of the leadership it has been reserved and it is, can we say, being pushed up the chain of command. And in the media circles it is being observed. Now you may never hear directly from those in a position of political or media leadership. But make no mistake, the effect, the announcement has been heard. And it echoing all over Gaia.
You, dear hearts, in this wonderful video of announcing your galactic family have continued [my] peace initiative. The impact is far bigger already than you can imagine. I offer you our thanks and our congratulations and I also offer this on behalf of your star brothers and sisters.
Very meaty, substantial Hour with an Angel today with Archangel Michael and Geoffrey West. On the Disclosure video, on pre-NESARA, on political events in the world, and more.
What Archangel Michael said about the Disclosure video quite surprised me. Here is an immediate transcription of that red-hot news.
Apparently the video is going up and down the chain of command of the media and political leaders. It really has been a full announcement of Disclosure, and probably succeeded beyond our wildest expectations. Thank you, Graham and the Inlight Radio hosts.
I won’t reproduce a transcript of the rest of the show (Ellen is doing that). We’ll have a transcript for you probably tomorrow, but the news that the Disclosure video is impacting the controlled press and political leadership can’t wait!
I can’t tell you how excited the Inlight Radio hosts, 2012S editors and others who are working on related projects are by all this. And busy. We are flying and our hair’s on fire.
Archangel Michael:
There is a great deal of unfolding and good news on every horizon. Even if it looks like chaos, there is great movement so do not be deceived. …
I wish to congratulate you. I wish to say thank you on behalf of many for announcing Disclosure. For you have taken responsibility. You have claimed your freedom, your autonomy, your authority. And you have committed and declared yourself to the human collective. You are leading the way and you are showing those in authority that there is nothing to be afraid of. So for this we congratulate you and we thank you.
Yes, there is the reality which you observe in your interdimensional selves. And I want to emphasize this with everyone of you … who are listening. Whether you are fully conscious of it or not, you are transitioning into your interdimensional self. So there is what you are witnessing in what you believe to be your third-dimensional reality, which is numbers and people who are watching this video and the reaction of what you would call mainstream media, because let us assure you that it has been observed many times by what you would believe to be mainstream media.
But there is also what is happening on what you would think of as the subtle level, the interdimensional level. And it is that ripple effect that we have talked about so often, not only in terms of your individual work, the work of this team of InLight Radio and of the lightworkers, lightholders.
So what you have done, dear heart, is that you have dropped not a pebble, not a stone, not a rock, but a very big boulder into what is really a very small pond. And when I say that it is a small pond, I mean a small pond of the mainstream media, of the political leaders, of political leaders who are truly leaders, and of the human collective consciousness.
I want you to understand this. There are beings who may never, ever watch this video. Or the videos that spin out from this project. It does not matter because what is occurring is in the mix of the human collective consciousness. There has been this massive affirmation of a reality that all of you have held in your hearts and in your minds and in your experience, in your consciousness.
And the bringing forward of that reality, the declaration of it in such a succinct, clear, non-invasive way – because your video has come in peace and for me that was very important, that it be low-key, that it not have any element of fear, that it be infused with love and celebration and joy and you have made very sure of that so – that is all becoming communicated to the subconscious, and the unconscious of the collective. So the entrainment is changing.
So understand that piece. But in the physical reality of the leadership it has been reserved and it is, can we say, being pushed up the chain of command. And in the media circles it is being observed. Now you may never hear directly from those in a position of political or media leadership. But make no mistake, the effect, the announcement has been heard. And it echoing all over Gaia.
You, dear hearts, in this wonderful video of announcing your galactic family have continued [my] peace initiative. The impact is far bigger already than you can imagine. I offer you our thanks and our congratulations and I also offer this on behalf of your star brothers and sisters.
Monday, September 17, 2012
A Hospital in China that Uses No Medicine
by Luke Chan
ChiLel Qigong
Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Center, simply known as the Center, normally has more than four thousand people living there, including doctors, patients, ChiLel teachers, trainees, and supporting personnel. The Center was established in 1988 in the city of Zigachong and later, in 1992, relocated to the city of Qinhuangdao. In 1995, it again expanded to its present address, an old army hospital in the city of Fengrun, two hours by train from Beijing.
It is directed by its founder, Dr. Pang Ming, a Qigong grandmaster and physician trained in both Western and Chinese traditional medicine. This hospital is the largest of its kind in China and probably in the world. The Center avoids medicines and special diets in favor of exercise, love, and life energy. It is a non-profit organization and is recognized by the Chinese government as a legitimate clinic. Over the years, the Center has treated more than one hundred and eighty diseases, the overall success rate being more than 95%.
I spent the entire month of May living in the Center, observing first hand how the hospital operates and interviewing more than one hundred people who have miraculously recovered from incurable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, severe depression, paralysis, and systemic lupus. Many times I was moved to tears while listening to these accounts of heroic struggle against disease. One mother told me that she was so weak that she couldn’t even pick up a kitchen knife to kill herself and so attempted to end her life by not eating. But when her six-year-old son tried to spoon feed her a bowl of milk while her eleven-year-old held a towel to wipe any spills, she decided to live at any cost. Since doctors couldn’t help her, she turned to ChiLel and, against all odds, recovered. She is now a teacher at the Center.
The Power of ChiLel
ChiLel, the method employed in the Center, was developed by Dr. Pang. The method is based on the 5,000-year-old concept of qigong (chigong, chi kung) as well as modern medical knowledge. Dr. Pang, reverently known as Lao-shi, the Teacher, has written more than nine books on ChiLel.
ChiLel consists of four parts…
1. Strong belief (Shan Shin): a belief that chi or life energy, can heal all ailments, including one’s own. Students build belief by listening to testimonials of recovered patients and learning about chi and its healing effects.
2. Group Healing (Chu Chong): before a group of students begins ChiLel, the teacher verbally synchronizes the thinking of the group to obtain chi from the universe and bring it down into a healing energy field, shrouding everyone including the teacher himself or herself. The healing effect is enhanced because the group is acting as one.
3. Chi Healing (Fa Chi): Facilitating chi healing by teachers teachers bring healing energy from the universe to each individual to facilitate healing.
4. Practice (Lan Gong): Students learn easy-to-follow ChiLel movements and practice them over and over again. The methods, parts of Zhineng qigong, are called:
Lift Chi Up and Pour Chi Down Method.
Three Centers Merge Standing Method.
Patient Treatment
When a patient enters the hospital, he is diagnosed by a doctor, and then assigned to a class of fifty or so people for a 24-day treatment period. He spends most of his time practicing ChiLel, eight hours a day without television, newspapers or telephone. Those who can stand up practice standing; those who can sit practice in their chairs; and those who can’t move practice in their beds. I was moved by
the dedication of these students.
Despite its amazing success at healing, the Center is little known even in China because of its policy of not advertising in newspapers or magazines. However, the Center is well known among its estimated eight million ChiLel practitioners. Through word of mouth, thousands of people from all over China are coming to the Center every month. Indeed, ChiLel has a great number of followers and the Center is the brain of this vast organization. New techniques for treating diseases are developed daily. For example, a new way of demonstrating the effectiveness of chi for treating cancer has been developed. I witnessed a cancer patient being treated by four ChiLel teachers while the patient’s bladder cancer was viewed on a screen via an ultra-sound machine, and monitored by two doctors.
The cancer literally disappeared in front of my eyes in less than a minute as the teachers emitted chi into the patient, dissolving the cancer! In fact, I videotaped this incredible act. Ten days later, I requested the doctors to double check if the patient’s tumor was gone. Kindly enough the doctors put the same patient’s bladder again on screen and we saw no trace of cancer. Later I was told that a major German TV station crew, visiting the Center a week before, had successfully videotaped the same process with other cancer patients.
The Center has over six hundred staff members, including twenty-six Western-trained doctors. Since no medicine is prescribed, there aren’t any pharmacists. Doctors, who prefer to be called teachers, play only a minor role in this special hospital. Occasionally, they are called upon to attend emergency cases. Their main function is to diagnose patients when they come in to register and again after each
24-day training period. Their diagnoses are classified into four categories for statistical purposes.
1. Cured: Symptoms disappear and appropriate instruments (e.g. EKG, ultra-sound, X-ray, CT and so on) register normal.
2. Very Effective: Symptoms almost disappear and instruments show great improvement.
3. Effective: Noticeable improvements, and student can eat, sleep, and feel good.
4. Non-effective: No change or even worse.
According to “Summary of Zhineng Qigong’s Healing Effects on Chronic Diseases”, published by the Center in 1991, data of 7,936 patients showed an overall effective healing rate of 94.96%. (15.20% cured; 37.68% very effective; 42.09% effective.)
In the Center, no matter how sick a person is, he is still addressed as a “student” never “patient”. Why? Because he is learning an art the goal of which is to heal oneself, not to rely on doctors. Therefore no doctor-patient relationships exist.
Students are enrolled in a 24-days treatment program. The tuition fee is only one hundred yuan (about twelve dollars). Students can spend as little as six hundred yuan (about seventy dollars) per month! The Center is probably the most inexpensive hospital in the world and is truly a non-profit organization. Yet the Center is an independent, self-sufficient organization, without any help from
government or private foundations. How do they operate so efficiently? Because many of the doctors, ChiLel teachers, and supporting personnel are former students who have recovered from serious illnesses themselves and have now returned voluntarily to “serve the sick”, with very little pay.
Teachers play the roles of doctor, nurse, social worker, cheerleader, parent, friend, brother, and sister. Their effectiveness is measured by the healing rate of their students. Another reason for the Center’s effective but low-budget operation is that it uses group therapy. Students live in groups of four, eight or sixteen persons per room. By living in groups, students develop in a cooperative spirit of caring and love toward each other. Many of those I interviewed had been rejected by their former hospitals as “incurable,” and, therefore, had regarded the Center as their last hope. As though sailing on the same boat in the ocean, students bond together against their common enemy’s disease.
Trained to Heal
Just as hospitals associate with medical schools to train young people to enter into the medical profession, the Center also has ChiLel schools to train ChiLel professionals. There is a Zhineng Qigong Academy and one-month and three-month instructor training schools. The Academy, established in 1992, has a two-year training program for young men and women under the age of thirty who have the minimum of a high-school education. The one-month and three-months instructor-training programs are for anyone interested in ChiLel. I was told that there are typically
more than a thousand students in both programs in school.
In addition, just as prestigious hospitals have research programs, the Center has many on-going research projects both on site and at different university campuses around the country. When I requested the person in charge, a retired college professor, to show me some published papers, he gave me two volumes of experiment data, as thick as a telephone book!
Besides doctors, teachers, and students, there are hundreds of supporting personnel, working in the office, cafeteria, bookstore, and so on. All of them are ChiLel practitioners and they practice ChiLel together in the morning and in the evening, about three hours a day. As they say, it is not just a job, it is a ChiLel job. The Center is open only ten months a year because of lack of heating in the rooms during winter. The Center is currently building a home for itself, a “ChiLel City” in a place near Beijing, with better facilities to accommodate the ever-increasing number of students, including Americans and others coming from abroad.
I asked the founder, Lao-shi, why didn’t he promote ChiLel to the world sooner. He replied that many people need proof whether chi works or not. So instead of arguing with others, he preferred to work solidly by treating patients and collecting valuable data. As a result, tens of thousands of documented cases over a period of eight years have been collected and, “Now we are ready. Please tell the world that we exist and ChiLel can benefit mankind.”
Copyright © 1998 by Benefactor Press, All rights in the above article are reserved.
ChiLel Qigong
Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Center, simply known as the Center, normally has more than four thousand people living there, including doctors, patients, ChiLel teachers, trainees, and supporting personnel. The Center was established in 1988 in the city of Zigachong and later, in 1992, relocated to the city of Qinhuangdao. In 1995, it again expanded to its present address, an old army hospital in the city of Fengrun, two hours by train from Beijing.
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Grandmaster Pang Ming, M.D. |
I spent the entire month of May living in the Center, observing first hand how the hospital operates and interviewing more than one hundred people who have miraculously recovered from incurable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, severe depression, paralysis, and systemic lupus. Many times I was moved to tears while listening to these accounts of heroic struggle against disease. One mother told me that she was so weak that she couldn’t even pick up a kitchen knife to kill herself and so attempted to end her life by not eating. But when her six-year-old son tried to spoon feed her a bowl of milk while her eleven-year-old held a towel to wipe any spills, she decided to live at any cost. Since doctors couldn’t help her, she turned to ChiLel and, against all odds, recovered. She is now a teacher at the Center.
The Power of ChiLel
ChiLel, the method employed in the Center, was developed by Dr. Pang. The method is based on the 5,000-year-old concept of qigong (chigong, chi kung) as well as modern medical knowledge. Dr. Pang, reverently known as Lao-shi, the Teacher, has written more than nine books on ChiLel.
ChiLel consists of four parts…
1. Strong belief (Shan Shin): a belief that chi or life energy, can heal all ailments, including one’s own. Students build belief by listening to testimonials of recovered patients and learning about chi and its healing effects.
2. Group Healing (Chu Chong): before a group of students begins ChiLel, the teacher verbally synchronizes the thinking of the group to obtain chi from the universe and bring it down into a healing energy field, shrouding everyone including the teacher himself or herself. The healing effect is enhanced because the group is acting as one.
3. Chi Healing (Fa Chi): Facilitating chi healing by teachers teachers bring healing energy from the universe to each individual to facilitate healing.
4. Practice (Lan Gong): Students learn easy-to-follow ChiLel movements and practice them over and over again. The methods, parts of Zhineng qigong, are called:
Lift Chi Up and Pour Chi Down Method.
Three Centers Merge Standing Method.
Patient Treatment
When a patient enters the hospital, he is diagnosed by a doctor, and then assigned to a class of fifty or so people for a 24-day treatment period. He spends most of his time practicing ChiLel, eight hours a day without television, newspapers or telephone. Those who can stand up practice standing; those who can sit practice in their chairs; and those who can’t move practice in their beds. I was moved by
the dedication of these students.
Despite its amazing success at healing, the Center is little known even in China because of its policy of not advertising in newspapers or magazines. However, the Center is well known among its estimated eight million ChiLel practitioners. Through word of mouth, thousands of people from all over China are coming to the Center every month. Indeed, ChiLel has a great number of followers and the Center is the brain of this vast organization. New techniques for treating diseases are developed daily. For example, a new way of demonstrating the effectiveness of chi for treating cancer has been developed. I witnessed a cancer patient being treated by four ChiLel teachers while the patient’s bladder cancer was viewed on a screen via an ultra-sound machine, and monitored by two doctors.
The cancer literally disappeared in front of my eyes in less than a minute as the teachers emitted chi into the patient, dissolving the cancer! In fact, I videotaped this incredible act. Ten days later, I requested the doctors to double check if the patient’s tumor was gone. Kindly enough the doctors put the same patient’s bladder again on screen and we saw no trace of cancer. Later I was told that a major German TV station crew, visiting the Center a week before, had successfully videotaped the same process with other cancer patients.
The Center has over six hundred staff members, including twenty-six Western-trained doctors. Since no medicine is prescribed, there aren’t any pharmacists. Doctors, who prefer to be called teachers, play only a minor role in this special hospital. Occasionally, they are called upon to attend emergency cases. Their main function is to diagnose patients when they come in to register and again after each
24-day training period. Their diagnoses are classified into four categories for statistical purposes.
1. Cured: Symptoms disappear and appropriate instruments (e.g. EKG, ultra-sound, X-ray, CT and so on) register normal.
2. Very Effective: Symptoms almost disappear and instruments show great improvement.
3. Effective: Noticeable improvements, and student can eat, sleep, and feel good.
4. Non-effective: No change or even worse.
According to “Summary of Zhineng Qigong’s Healing Effects on Chronic Diseases”, published by the Center in 1991, data of 7,936 patients showed an overall effective healing rate of 94.96%. (15.20% cured; 37.68% very effective; 42.09% effective.)
In the Center, no matter how sick a person is, he is still addressed as a “student” never “patient”. Why? Because he is learning an art the goal of which is to heal oneself, not to rely on doctors. Therefore no doctor-patient relationships exist.
Students are enrolled in a 24-days treatment program. The tuition fee is only one hundred yuan (about twelve dollars). Students can spend as little as six hundred yuan (about seventy dollars) per month! The Center is probably the most inexpensive hospital in the world and is truly a non-profit organization. Yet the Center is an independent, self-sufficient organization, without any help from
government or private foundations. How do they operate so efficiently? Because many of the doctors, ChiLel teachers, and supporting personnel are former students who have recovered from serious illnesses themselves and have now returned voluntarily to “serve the sick”, with very little pay.
Teachers play the roles of doctor, nurse, social worker, cheerleader, parent, friend, brother, and sister. Their effectiveness is measured by the healing rate of their students. Another reason for the Center’s effective but low-budget operation is that it uses group therapy. Students live in groups of four, eight or sixteen persons per room. By living in groups, students develop in a cooperative spirit of caring and love toward each other. Many of those I interviewed had been rejected by their former hospitals as “incurable,” and, therefore, had regarded the Center as their last hope. As though sailing on the same boat in the ocean, students bond together against their common enemy’s disease.
Trained to Heal
Just as hospitals associate with medical schools to train young people to enter into the medical profession, the Center also has ChiLel schools to train ChiLel professionals. There is a Zhineng Qigong Academy and one-month and three-month instructor training schools. The Academy, established in 1992, has a two-year training program for young men and women under the age of thirty who have the minimum of a high-school education. The one-month and three-months instructor-training programs are for anyone interested in ChiLel. I was told that there are typically
more than a thousand students in both programs in school.
In addition, just as prestigious hospitals have research programs, the Center has many on-going research projects both on site and at different university campuses around the country. When I requested the person in charge, a retired college professor, to show me some published papers, he gave me two volumes of experiment data, as thick as a telephone book!
Besides doctors, teachers, and students, there are hundreds of supporting personnel, working in the office, cafeteria, bookstore, and so on. All of them are ChiLel practitioners and they practice ChiLel together in the morning and in the evening, about three hours a day. As they say, it is not just a job, it is a ChiLel job. The Center is open only ten months a year because of lack of heating in the rooms during winter. The Center is currently building a home for itself, a “ChiLel City” in a place near Beijing, with better facilities to accommodate the ever-increasing number of students, including Americans and others coming from abroad.
I asked the founder, Lao-shi, why didn’t he promote ChiLel to the world sooner. He replied that many people need proof whether chi works or not. So instead of arguing with others, he preferred to work solidly by treating patients and collecting valuable data. As a result, tens of thousands of documented cases over a period of eight years have been collected and, “Now we are ready. Please tell the world that we exist and ChiLel can benefit mankind.”
Copyright © 1998 by Benefactor Press, All rights in the above article are reserved.
Poofness - Revals in Offing and Other Stuff…
Greetings and Salutations;
Not much to say, that already hasn’t been said. The messengers on the internet have been banging away, shouting the blues of a changing world, where no one can figure out who the good guys and bad guys are, just ‘opinions’. So I’m going to post some links so you make some inform decisions as your pockets get filled and you pass thru the door way into the future;
Now here’s the blow to the fed system and fiat money;
Bernanke can’t print anymore because the owners of the fed had the plates melted down in china a couple years ago. Look at the dollar you have in your pocket, I defy you to find anything with date beyond 2010. The military knows this because they helped have all those printing presses taken apart around the world. and the machines melted down.
Didn’t MK tell many of you, there’d be blood on the streets when this finally happened? Well don’t get your hair on fire now, as you see it happen. This is when you need calm resolve and a clear mind. Go to the sea or up in the mountains and let it all come together in clarity, the path you choose to walk as the new world manifests all around you.
Even folks that know exactly what’s up in this world are tripping on themselves. What to do when the old world is disappearing and it can’t be recreated? Do a false flag like what just happen in the middle east and try and get the war mongering neocons back in office and try to get another war started. As eisenhower said as he left office all those years ago..’beware of the military industrial complex’. You’re watching them work ya right now, screaming..Patriotism!
The stuff is flying in the atmosphere and no one is escaping the angst. Everyone has been warned but many try to make it different than what it is, the speeding up of the vibration of the earth. This earth is going somewhere and it’s being masked by energetic veils that are like holograms, soon it’s part and all humanity will see. You’ll look up and see two suns in the sky and we’ll no longer be on the edge of the milky way.
That’s enough of that, stick a fork in me and plate me, I’m done.
Have fun, see you later, out there in the new system of things.
Love and Kisses,
Friday, September 14, 2012
Cymatics: A Brief History
Cymatics is the study of wave phenomena and vibration, a term coined by Swiss scientist Hans Jenny, the word Kymatik, ('cymatic' in English) derives from the Greek 'Kuma' meaning 'billow' or 'wave,' to describe the periodic effects that sound and vibration has on matter.
Everything in the Universe is oscillating and vibrating. Cymatics shows how vibrations interact to create the world we experience 'out there,' while bringing into focus the hidden principles that underlie all natural processes. Understanding these principles offers insights into the dynamics of life in the dense, physical world of matter, form and function, but also in the subjective ways in which we perceive ourselves.(1)
"When one's eye is open to the Cymatic phenomena, you can see it everywhere." - Hans Jenny
In fact Jenny is just one in a long line of venerated scientist / philosophers involved with Cymatics, stretching all the way back to the original Father of Science Galileo. Galileo was the first to notice the formation of regular patterns on an oscillating body while experimenting with plates & chisels in 1632.(2)
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Galileo Galilei |
''....scraping a brass plate with a sharp iron chisel in order to remove some spots from it and running the chisel rather rapidly over it, I once or twice, during many strokes, heard the plate emit a rather strong and clear whistling sound: on looking at the plate more carefully I noticed a long row of fine streaks parallel and equidistant from one another.."
1680: a Royal society member, philosopher, architect and polymath Robert Hooke noticed nodal patterns forming as he ran a violin bow along the edge of a glass plate covered with a fine layer of flour. Hooke is better known for giving us his law of elasticity (Hooke's Law) than for popularizing Cymatics.
1787: the German musician and physicist Ernst Chladni repeated Hookes experiments and published his findings in the book "Discoveries in the Theory of Sound", making it one of the first treatises on the science of sound, with this and other works, he laid the foundation for that discipline within physics that came to be called acoustics. He is sometimes referred to as the "father of acoustics".
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Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni |
Chladni observed that when a metal plate covered with sand or other similar substance was made to vibrate by running a violin bow across it perpendicularly, a pattern emerged in the sand. Through careful documentation he theorized that sound affects physical matter and that these changes can be repeated.
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Chladni Plate |
He produced diagrams of his experiments which came to be called, "Chladni figures." He went on the lecture circuit in Europe and demonstrated his finding to live audiences, which included a command performance for Napoleon. Chladni so delighted Napoleon he offered him 6000 francs for his performance. Napoleon then offered 3000 francs to anyone who could explain this phenomenon. This prize was awarded to Sophie Germain in 1816.(3)
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Examples of square Chladni Figures (drawn by Mary D. Waller) |
This video is made by Suzanne Tribe, a student over at the School of Cymatics.
She built a homemade tonascope using PVC (like in these diy cymatics instructions), then invited a friend to sing Mozart’s “Una Donna a Quindici Anni” through the pipe. Watch this video to see how they achieved some beautiful and complex cymatics images using a very simple setup.
You can view Suzanne’s page at the School of Cymatics here. To get free instructions for building your own diy cymatics tonascope click here.(4)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Sacred Geometry, Mandalas, Crop Circles, Fractals and the NDE
Have you noticed similarities among mandala motifs, crop circles and fractal images? Have you noticed that they are frequently reported as being seen in dazzling beauty by many who share their reports of near-death experience and other altered states of consciousness? (Note: See UFO/NDE connections) Similarities and connections abound.
As Pythagoras taught, Sacred Geometry is an ancient, universal language (land-guage). Geometric formations hold information and communicate ideas; not necessarily at a cognitive level, but often at a cellular level. They in-form us cellularly, just as our cells, the building blocks of our physiology, inform our bodies, providing a template for our development. Our cells are vehicles of involution; the movement from spirit to matter, as well as vehicles of evolution; movement from matter to spirit.
One such tool of Sacred Geometry is the Phi Ratio, the number 1.6180339... (1.618 is commonly used)
The progression or development of the whole of nature, from the subatomic to the supergalactic, follows this ratio. The twelfth century Italian mathematician, Leonardo P. Fibonacci, observed a predictable sequence of all natural development as shown by a progression of numbers:
0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ad infinitum.
[1 + 0 = 1] [1 + 1 = 2] [2 + 1 = 3] [3 + 2 = 5] [5 + 3 = 8] [8 + 5 = 13] etc.
The Fibonacci Sequence demonstrates the idea that each stage of natural growth or development refers to its prior state in order to take its next evolutionary step. (This is not unlike Piaget's principle of rapprochement in child psychology.) It also follows the Phi Ratio, e.g. [5 X 1.618 = 8.09] or approximately 8.0, and over the course of the sequence, 1.618... is exact.
The spiral is a common element of Sacred Geometry as well as to all natural development. Spirals in nature tend to follow the Phi Ratio or Fibonacci Sequence in their rates of expansion.
The Sanskrit term mandala roughly translates to "magic circle" or "sacred circle". Mandalas, ancient and modern, frequently offer beautiful examples of radial symmetry and contain elements of Sacred Geometry. They tend to act as activation templates of consciousness. Carl G. Jung studied mandalas from a wide field of world cultures and eras, as well as having advocated for creating our own mandalas as vehicles of soulwork. He noted that when we draw mandalas from the center outward, we tend to process our personal issues or challenges du jour and often gain increased clarity and energy which we can apply to our lives. We are similarly informed simply by gazing at these designs.
The phenomenon of crop circles is also intriguing. These landscape images have been seen for decades, primarily in agricultural regions, yet also in the sands of the Sahara, in arctic snow, and may also be referred to as sand circles or snow circles.
Most often, they are found in northern European countries, especially each summer in southwest England in fields of grain and other crops. Since the early 1990's, they've appeared in greatest number, often dozens per season. There has been considerable speculation and controversy concerning their origin, purpose and validity. There has also been the belief that the entire phenomenon has been a hoax, however, it appears that the hoax theory itself is a hoax.*
Among the interesting features of crop circles is that the crops are laid over in such a way that the stalks are not damaged and continue to grow. This seems impossible to replicate with mechanical means or even by hand. Also, the stalks and surrounding soil are electromagnetically altered, as measured with instrumentation. People who walk into these formations often report anomalies such as distorted sense of balance, depth perception and more.
Crop circles are typically 100 – 300 feet in diameter, although one of 787 foot diameter occurred at Milk Hill in Wiltshire, UK, Aug., 2001. Many of them resemble mandalas. Photograms and images of other shapes have appeared in fields as well and many examples have been aerially photographed. Several elements of Sacred Geometry appear in these designs including Platonic solids, Vesica Pisces, pyramids or tetrahedrons, the Golden Mean and more. Many angles of the designs follow the Phi Ratio. Sometimes the designs are further articulated with apparent reference to our solar system and other star systems as well as a form of hieroglyphics, in a style reminiscent of Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Qabalistic glyph of the Tree of Life has appeared in perfect proportion, as well as symbols from other religious and spiritual traditions. One photogram appeared in Aug., 2001, clearly depicting the Face on Mars, even with a crop line across the face at the same angle which is seen in the Viking (NASA/JPL) photographs of the actual Face on Mars.
Of the myriad explanations of the crop circle phenomenon, one that seems most relevant to me is that of one of my teachers, Bashar, which he offered in a taped, group sharing in the early 1990's. In response to a participant's query, he stated that crop circles are symbolic communication, preparing us for further contact with other beings and other civilizations. Although there has been speculation that these other beings are of extraterrestrial origin, Bashar suggested that many of them are Earth inhabitants, but are extradimensional beings within other dimensions or higher octaves of our dimension. He also suggests that crop circles and crop formations (not necessarily just the circles) are produced through the collective consciousness of these beings and many humans engaged, in certain states of consciousness, in awakening ourselves on a cellular level to higher dimensions of awareness through this symbolic communication.
Prof. Benoit Mandelbrot, a mathematician at Oxford University, discovered a fractal formula in the 1960's, the Mandelbrot Set, which is regarded as one of the classic fractal formulae. Earlier in the 20th century, French mathematician Gaston Julia, discovered a fractal formula referred to as the Julia Set, characterized by spiral patterns which follow the phi ratio and mimic the energy flow in various natural phenomena, including the nautilus, lightning, spiral-armed galaxies, etc. Since their discoveries, numerous fractal equations have been created. These designs often carry elements of Sacred Geometry and communicate to us on many levels, as well as dazzle us with their beauty.
Of the myriad explanations of the crop circle phenomenon, one that seems most relevant to me is that of one of my teachers, Bashar, which he offered in a taped, group sharing in the early 1990's. In response to a participant's query, he stated that crop circles are symbolic communication, preparing us for further contact with other beings and other civilizations. Although there has been speculation that these other beings are of extraterrestrial origin, Bashar suggested that many of them are Earth inhabitants, but are extradimensional beings within other dimensions or higher octaves of our dimension. He also suggests that crop circles and crop formations (not necessarily just the circles) are produced through the collective consciousness of these beings and many humans engaged, in certain states of consciousness, in awakening ourselves on a cellular level to higher dimensions of awareness through this symbolic communication.
I invite you, if you're so inspired, to peruse the following websites and to draw your own conclusions concerning the myriad connections among these subjects, including their relationship to altered states of consciousness such as NDE.
Related websites on Sacred Geometry can be found here:
Dr. Mandelbrot delivered a lecture at Oxford Univ. in 1991 concerning his discoveries associated with fractal geometry and the Mandelbrot Set. In a slide presentation, he showed several depictions of the Set, including the signature Mandelbrot image. The following morning in a corn field a few miles from the university, a crop circle appeared which perfectly depicted the Mandelbrot image. Local residents were variously concerned, alarmed and intrigued by this development. According to Dr. Chet Snow and other sources, the British Army was called in by the government that morning to burn the field and the design, and a diversionary explanation for the media regarding the occurrence was asserted. This was the birth of the hoax theory which suggested that two Englishmen, known simply as Dave and Doug, had been creating crop circles throughout the English countryside for two decades, using little more that sticks and wooden boards.
Although some crop designs may have been created in a like manner by people, there is little comparison in size, precision and measurable physical effects to the crops and the soil of these, and the majority of crop circles discovered to date. Drunvalo Melchizedek makes a distinction between 'dead' crop circles (those made physically by humans) and 'live' crop circles.
In the late 1990's, several crop circle enthusiasts and cereologists (those who study crop circles) captured on videotape the creation of crop circles as described in the above text. What they had observed and recorded showed two balls of light, each approximately the size of a soccer ball, appearing above a field of crops, usually at night, moving very rapidly in circular patterns, causing the crops to lay over and forming complete designs in the course of 6 - 12 seconds. Then, these balls of light quickly vanished in the sky. This has been recorded repeatedly. Some of the video footage has been lab-tested in the US and UK, verified as authentic and unmolested, and can be viewed on video copies available commercially.
Phillip S. Mitchell has drawn mandalas from 1981 to 1994. Many of them contain elements of Sacred Geometry. Many, especially those of his Inner Temple Series, show depth toward the center, as if one could enter the mandala. People that have commissioned personalized mandalas have sometimes reported that in gazing at them or meditating upon them, they would have the experience of entering them and gaining access to "soul information," as if their personal mandala served as a consciousness grid or template which would facilitate a kind of soul travel. Many of these designs were created in a meditative state and the particular design elements would reveal themselves as he began to move his pen. Several of the designs contain elements found in crop circles which appeared in later years in southwest England. Most of them are rendered in prismatic coloring and are generally intended to communicate the idea that it is a beautiful experience to go inside one's self.
Late in the night of August 17, 1987, while camping at the holy mountain of Boboquivari, a very significant place of power in southern Arizona for many Native Americans, Phillip was shown a most amazing and indescribably beautiful light show of mandalas during an out-of-body experience in which he experienced himself just outside of Earth's atmosphere. He produced a number of mandalas following this experience in which he attempted to replicate some of those visions.
The following examples show three types of mandalas that he has drawn:
Late in the night of August 17, 1987, while camping at the holy mountain of Boboquivari, a very significant place of power in southern Arizona for many Native Americans, Phillip was shown a most amazing and indescribably beautiful light show of mandalas during an out-of-body experience in which he experienced himself just outside of Earth's atmosphere. He produced a number of mandalas following this experience in which he attempted to replicate some of those visions.
The following examples show three types of mandalas that he has drawn:
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Megamion |
© 11-'87 Phillip S. Mitchell
Megamion is an example of the Medallion Series, which Phillip has chosen as a personal logo. The pyramid and sun motif appears in variations in many of his mandalas.
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Enheartenment |
© 10-'87 Phillip S. Mitchell
Enheartenment is an example of radial symmetry with clockwise movement and a center image that offers a glimpse of the cosmos, suggestive of the idea of beauty and expansiveness in traveling inward. Those that claim to see our chakras often report similar rotation in them.
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Temple of Inner Space |
© 10-'87 Phillip S. Mitchell
Temple of Inner Space is an example of the Inner Temple Series which offers an inviting temple which one can enter, travel inward, and thus access the heart of creation through their own being.
Phillip's audio tape and CD, THE TECHNOLOGY OF FORGIVENESS TM, provides a clear understanding of the purpose and power of forgiveness, and an effective method of forgiving self and others as a vital tool in healing, recovery, spiritual awakening and more. The format consists of discussion and guided visualization. The recording includes the topics: Healing Your Inner Child and Accessing Divine Knowing. Original music for the visualizations is provided by recording artist Kim Robertson (BMI) on the Celtic Harp. The audio tape and CD can be ordered from the Sierra Tucson Bookstore by calling 1-800-624-9001 or online under "Books by Category" then select "Miscellaneous." Phillip Mitchell's book, CLEARING YOUR HEART PATH, © 1996, is yet to be published.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this recording will go to Environmental and Animal Welfare Organizations.
"In order to more fully understand this reality, we must take into account other dimensions of a broader reality." - Prof. John A. Wheeler, Ph.D., Physicist
Article by Phillip S. Mitchell, M.A., M.F.T., M.A.C.
Article by Phillip S. Mitchell, M.A., M.F.T., M.A.C.
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